This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Marine Algal Biotechnology – Set 3”.
1. In armored taxa off the marine algae _______________ is present.
a) cellulosic plates
b) starchy wax
c) membrane receptors
d) exo-polysaccharides
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Explanation: The taxa containing cellulosic thecal plates are termed armored or thecate. This represents class III of the algal cell walls in which the cell surface contains additional intracellular materials in vesicles.
2. Name the membranous structure in the figure below.
a) Skeleton
b) Silicaceous wall
c) Calcium carbonate shell
d) Amphiesma
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Explanation: Amphiesma is a single membrane-bound layer of amphiesmal vesicles present beneath the cell membrane that bounds dinoflagellate motility cells. The vesicles may also contain thecal plates in armored taxa.
3. Which type of algal cell wall is present in Euglena?
a) Simple membrane
b) Membrane with extracellular material
c) Membrane with intracellular material
d) Membrane with intracellular and extracellular material
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Explanation: In members of the Euglenophyta the cell surface is peculiar and the cell membrane consists of both extracellular and intracellular material. The composition of the components on either side of the membranes is distinct.
4. Membrane complex of Euglena is known as pellicle.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Euglena has a complex membrane structure known as pellicle that shows three different structural levels. Starting from the mucilage coating, ridges and grooves through microtubules.
5. PUFA are found in the ___________________ of eukaryotic alage.
a) chloroplast, cytoplasmic lipids
b) membrane lipids, cytoplasmic lipids
c) chloroplast, phospholipids
d) microtubules, nucleus
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Explanation: Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are found in the chloroplast and cytoplasmic lipids of eukaryotic algae.
6. A plastid accommodating storage products is _______________
a) pro-plastid
b) cingulum
c) amyloplast
d) aerotope
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Explanation: A plastid that has adapted to accommodate storage products in eukaryotic algal groups is termed as amyloplast or leucoplast. Plastid (example chloroplast) is the main organelle operating in the autotrophs.
7. When the flagella of two algal cells different in length and surface features they are termed _______________
a) heterokont
b) cryotomonad
c) isokont
d) anisokont
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Explanation: Heterokonts is the term that refers to two algal flagella (of the same organism) with distinct length and surface feautures. Isokonts refers to two flagella that differ only in length, as present in the members of division Haptophyta.
8. The types of flagellar orientation in the image below are ___________________
a) phototaxis; photoshock; gliding
b) gliding; photaxis; photoshock
c) gliding; photoshock; phototaxis
d) photoshock; gliding; phototaxis
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Explanation: In phototaxis the cells swim forward with the help of flagellar movement and rotate simultaneously. In photoshock the cell swims backwards while in gliding the two flagellum (leading and lagging) 180°C apart.
9. Oogamy and anisogamy refer to the same type of sexual reproduction in algae.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: There are two different types of gametes that can fuse; in isogamy gametes are motile and indistinguishable. In heterogamy the gametes differ, this combination can further be subdivided into anisogamy – the gametes are motile, egg is larger than the sperm; oogamy – motile sperm fuses with larger non-motile egg.
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