Marine Vertebrates Questions and Answers

This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Marine Vertebrates”.

1. Which of the following has lowest feed conversion ratio?
a) Chicken
b) Cow
c) Herbivorous fish
d) Carnivorous fish
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Answer: c
Explanation: Feed conversion ratio (FCR) is the ratio of feed given and the weight gained. Feed conversion ratio is smallest for marine organisms compared to terrestrial organisms; most of the feed given goes into the accumulation of body mass.

2. Fish that migrate to native rivers for spawning are called ____________
a) gynogens
b) tetraploids
c) androgens
d) anadromous
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fish such as salmon migrate to their native rivers for spawning. These rivers are places where the parental population of fish spawned giving rise to the F1 generation. Such breeding and spawning behavior must be taken into account in aquaculture.

3. Paddy fields are used for culturing fish in which type of aquaculture?
a) Extensive aquaculture
b) Traditional aquaculture
c) Intensive aquaculture
d) Semi-intensive aquaculture
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Answer: b
Explanation: Traditional aquaculture such as that practiced in Pokkali fields of Kerala use existing paddy fields for the brackish water aquaculture of prawns such as Penaeus monodon, Penaeus indicus, Metapenaeus dobsonii and Metapenaeus monoceros.

4. Which is used as a fish-kill during pond preparation for aquaculture?
a) Rotenone
b) Sodium hypochlorite
c) Hydrogen peroxide
d) Calcium carbonate
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Answer: a
Explanation: Rotenone is an odorless isoflavone (plant-derived compounds that have estrogenic activity) used as a piscicide or fish-kill. During pond preparation, specifically for prawn culture all the vestigial fish from previous harvest must be removed.

5. Which parameters need to be monitored continually during aquaculture?
a) Ammonia, oxygen
b) TAN (Total ammonia Nitrogen)
c) Hydrogen sulfide, oxygen
d) Nitrogen, peroxide
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Answer: a
Explanation: Although many factors must be continually monitored and be under high control in aquaculture. The monitoring of dissolved oxygen and ammonia is most important, ammonia is toxic to fish at mere concentration of 0.02 mg/L.

6. Only monoculture is usually practiced in intensive aquaculture.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Intensive aquaculture is the most demanding type of aquaculture and requires high control of parameters and environmental influences. To ensure biosecurity and healthy harvest culture of only a single species – called monoculture is practiced at a time.

7. What is the most common type of aquaculture practiced in India?
a) Monoculture
b) Mariculture
c) Traditional
d) Semi-intensive
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Answer: d
Explanation: In semi-intensive aquaculture there are minimum influence of tidal influences on the harvest and culturing. Semi-intensive is commonly practiced in India and coastal areas.

8. Which type is a non-infectious disease?
a) Microbial
b) Protozoan
c) Deficiency disease
d) Parasitic
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Answer: b
Explanation: Deficiency diseases are non-communicable and noninfectious diseases that do not transmit from one organism to the other. In the context of aquaculture non-infectious disease arise due to feed-related issues.

9. Koch’s postulates are designed to establish a causative relationship between a microbe and disease.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Robert Koch was a German physician and microbiologist who identified causative agents of tuberculosis, cholera and other infectious diseases. He laid down five postulates to establish relationship between a microbe and a disease.

10. Theobald Smith model is used to ______
a) trace microbial orgin
b) calculate probability of microbial origin
c) fitness of individual
d) quantitative trait loci
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Theobald-Smith Model is used to predict the probability of occurrence of a disease. The mathematical formula is – (number of microbial agents X virulence of agents)/rsistance of the organism.

11. Which is an OIE listed shrimp disease?
a) Taura Syndrome Virus
b) Koi Herpes Virus
c) White Spot Syndrome Virus
d) Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome
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Answer: c
Explanation: WSSV (White Spot Syndrome Virus) is a disease characterized by white spots on the shrimp carapace. It results in 80-100% mortality within a few days in cultured Penaeid shrimps in aquaculture.

12. Choose the correct combination from the following table.

A. Karyolysis i. increase in size of tissue/organ
B. Pyknosis ii. nuclear fading, chromatin dissolution
C. Karyorrhexis iii. nuclear shrinkage and condensation of DNA to basophilic mass
D. Atrophy iv. nuclear fragmentation

a) A-i B-ii C-iv D-iii
b) A-ii B-iii C-iv D-i
c) A-i B-iv C-iii D-ii
d) A-ii B-iii C-i D-iv
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the diagnosis of disease for disease management in aquaculture. As soon as a disease is detected in the culture species, it should be diagnosed. Microscopic diagnosis involves looking at the cell abnormalities such as those mentioned in the table.

13. Fish immunity is majorly dependent on __________
a) weight
b) age
c) gender
d) species
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Answer: a
Examples: Being a vertebrate fish shares many of the characteristics with human immune system. One of the non-contrasting characters is the development of immune system. In humans the immune system develops with age while in fish it develops with weight.

14. In fish immune-suppressive responses occur at __________
a) low temperature
b) high temperature
c) high tide
d) low tide
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Answer: a
Explanation: Immuno-suppressive responses occur at low temperatures in fish. Involution of thymus which is responsible for mounting immune responses is more dependent on hormonal cycles and seasonal variations.

15. Prozone effect is caused due to __________
a) deficiency of antibodies
b) excess of antibodies
c) excess of antigen
d) deficiency of antigen
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Answer: b
Explanation: Prozone or hook effect arises due to high antibody titer and gives false- positive results in the immune-precipitation assays. Inhibition of precipitation and agglutination is caused due to this phenomena.

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