Environmental Ocean Technology Questions and Answers – Coastal Hazards Mitigation – Set 2

This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Environmental Ocean Technology – Coastal Hazards Mitigation – Set 2”.

1. ______________ are impermeable shore-perpendicular structures.
a) Jetties
b) Barrage
c) Sand dunes
d) Mangroves
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Answer: a
Explanation: Jetties are impermeable shore-perpendicular structures that preclude the inlet from shoaling and migrating. The inlet impacts can be experienced miles updrift and downdrift from the inlet channel.

2. Due to global climate change the sea level rise is 2 mm/yr.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Due to global climate change and elevation in greenhouse gases, the water is expanding. This is evident by the average sea level rise of 2 mm/yr since the onset of industrial era (mid-eighteenth century).

3. ____________ assumes lifespan of a private structure is 30 years.
a) ISA
c) EPA
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) assumes that the usable lifespan of a private structure such as coastal houses and structures is 30 years. This implies that the structures be constructed to withstand coastal hazards expected over 30 years.

4. Heavy rains make large trees susceptible to toppling.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Heavy rains before the onset of high-intensity winds soften the ground and make large trees more susceptible to toppling. This poses as an additional hazard of damage in coastal communities.

5. _____________ leads to accelerated corrosion of metal structures and damage to non-native ornamental plants.
a) Groins
b) OTEC plants
c) Buoys
d) Salt sprays
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Answer: d
Explanation: High winds during storms transport significant quantities of saltwater spray inland. Accumulation of salt residues on structures leads to accelerated corrosion of metal structures and damage to non-native ornamental plants.

6. Beach nourishment is the process of ______________
a) beach extension
b) beach nourishment
c) bacterial application
d) fertilizer application
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beach nourishment is the process of extending a beach on the seaward side along designed contours. Sand is placed both above and below the tideline protecting property and infrastructure from wave attack.

7. Beach filling is a _______________
a) sacrificial protection measure
b) fixed barrier solution
c) construction technique
d) seep-sea mining strategy
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Answer: a
Explanation: Beach filling or beach nourishment is the process of sand deposition in eroding coastline to prevent from further wave attack and inundation. It is a sacrificial protection measure for mitigating the coastal hazards.

8. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), New Jersey governs the ______________
a) land filling/beach filling
b) tidal energy
c) construction of buildings
d) meteorological surveys
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Answer: c
Explanation: Construction of buildings in New Jersey coastal areas is governed by the Federal Government through National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). The area is prone to recurring excessive coastal hazards.

9. Choose the correct coastal hazards mitigation strategies and their regulatory authorities.

1. Beach nourishment a. Homeowner/builder
2. Land regulation b. State sponsored projects
3. Elevation c. Federal regulations

a) 1-b 2-c 3-a
b) 1-a 2-b 3-c
c) 1-c 2-b 3-a
d) 1-c 2-a 3-b
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Answer: a
Explanation: The left column contains coastal hazards mitigation strategies whilst the right side contains the regulatory authorities. Beach nourishment falls under the regulation of state-sponsored projects, land regulation under federal and state regulations, and elevation under the control of builders and homeowners.

10. The NFIP requires buildings to be sited at an elevation above the ______________
a) low water mark
b) base flood elevation
c) high tide line
d) contour
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Answer: b
Explanation: The National Flood Insurance Program required that buildings in flood prone coastal areas be constructed above the base flood elevation (BFE). The elevation has a 1% chance of exceeding/ equaling in any given year.

11. Choose the appropriate flood prone options.

1. A-zone a. Moderate flood hazard
2. X-zone b. High hazard area
3. V-zone c. Outside coastal high hazard area

a) 1-c 2-a 3-b
b) 1-a 2-b 3-c
c) 1-b 2-a 3-c
d) 1-b 2-c 3-a
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Answer: a
Explanation: The NFIP designates flood prone areas into three zones and specific construction rules apply accordingly. V-zone is the coastal high hazard area extending from ocean to inland limit of primary dune, V-zone is outside the coastal high hazard area while X-zone is prone to moderate flooding hazard.

12. Which zone is outside the 100-year base flood limit?
a) A-zone
b) X-zone
c) V-zone
d) Coastal A-zone
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Answer: b
Explanation: The areas designated as X-zone by the NFIP are moderate flood hazard areas, outside of 100-year base flood elevation but inside the 500-year limits. Infrastructure construction practices are therefore less stringent.

13. Choose the appropriate option.

1. Shore-perpendicular structure a. groins
2. Shore-parallel structure b. jetties
c. bulkheads
d. seawalls

a) 1-a 2-a 3-b 4-b
b) 1-b 2-a 3-b 4-a
c) 1-b 2-b 3-a 4-a
d) 1-a 2-b 3-a 4-b
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Answer: a
Explanation: The three broad categories of shore protection structures are shore-perpendicular, shore-parallel and non-traditional structures. Groins and jetties are shore-perpendicular structures while bulkheads and seawalls are constructed parallel to the shore.

14. Terminal groins and jetties are _____________ shore-perpendicular structures.
a) permeable
b) unstable
c) impervious
d) regulated
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Answer: c
Explanation: Terminal groins and jetties are impervious shore-perpendicular protection structures that prevent the accumulation of sand in such undesirable areas as navigational inlets, harbors, submarine canyons.

15. Jetties are typically constructed of _______________
a) quarrystone
b) concrete
c) metal sheets
d) granite
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Answer: a
Explanation: Jetties are constructed of heavy quarrystone or concrete armor units aligned in trapezoidal cross-section. Jetties eliminate the alongshore transport of sand either across or through the structure.

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