Marine Biosurfactants Questions and Answers

This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Marine Biosurfactants”.

1. Choose the correct bacterial constituents.

1. Glycolipids a. Lipid-carbohydrate-protein
2. Lipoproteins b. Trehalose lipids
3. Polymeric biosurfactants c. Ornithine lipids

a) 1-b, 2-c, 3-a
b) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c
c) 1-c, 2-b, 3-a
d) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c
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Answer: a
Explanation: Marine bacteria are a source of wide variety of biomolecules, biosurfactants is one of them gaining popularity due to diversity in their structures and functions. Glycolipids and others in the first column are biosurfactant types while second column refers to the bacterial constituents.

2. A surfactant is an amphiphilic agent.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Surfactants are amphiphilic agents having lipophilic and hydrophilic structural elements. Industrially used surfactants are chemically synthesized that cause environmental pollution.

3. Which is true for a marine biosurfactant.
a) High toxicity
b) Low degradability
c) Low environmental risk
d) Functional at high pH
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Answer: d
Explanation: Marine biosurfactants have several advantages which make them more suitable than chemically synthesized biosurfactants. These include low toxicity, high degradability, functional in extreme conditions such as high temperature and pH.

4. Surfactin (SF) is a ___________________
a) lipopeptide
b) alkaloid
c) thyllakoid
d) lipopolysaccharide
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Answer: a
Explanation: Surfactin (SF) is lipopeptide type of biosurfactant i.e. it contains lipid as well as protein structural elements. It is a highly efficient surfactant of industrial importance, isolated from Bacillus subtilis.

5. Surfactants partition at ______________
a) gas-liquid interface
b) liquid-liquid interface
c) liquid-solid interface
d) oil-gas interface
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Answer: b
Explanation: Surfactants partition at liquid-liquid interface, interfacial tension is lowered and this impacts the rheological behavior and mass-transfer. Numerous attempts to minimize the cost of producing surfactants have been made.

6. Surfactins can lyse erythrocytes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Surfactins are powerful biosurfactants that can considerably lower the surface tension of water (72-27 mN m-1), inhibits the formation of fibrin clot, and lyse the blood erythrocytes as well.

7. Major portion of production cost of marine biosurfactins comes from ________________
a) strain improvement
b) production
c) media optimization
d) purification
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Answer: d
Explanation: Purification and downstream processing incurs the major proportion of total production cost. Depending upon the application of final product and its susceptibility to different downstream processing techniques, the purification procedure is planned.

8. Cosmetics with a petroleum base (surfactant) may contain ___________________
a) cancer causing agents
b) water-borne microbes
c) metal oxides
d) photosensitive agents
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cosmetics with a petroleum base (surfactant acting as wetting agent/ emulsifier) are scientifically proven to contain cancer-causing properties. Biosurfactins do not have petroleum derivation hence do not exhibit such hazards.

9. 1, 4-dioxane is a ___________________
a) antibiotic
b) topical formulation
c) carcinogen
d) antifungal
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Answer: c
Explanation: 1, 4-dioxane is a carcinogen that can penetrate the skin. This compound is often a contaminant in cosmetics such as sunless tanning products, body firming lotion, eye creams, and hair products.

10. Which of the following are used as preservatives in cosmetics?
a) Parabens
b) Metal salts
c) Rock salt
d) Sugar compounds
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Answer: a
Explanation: Parabens are used as preservatives in cosmetics, to keep microbes from growing, and increasing the shelf-life of the products. It has been found out that parabens can mimic sex hormones and their non-regulation can cause cancer.

11. _________________ are responsible for acne and other skin infections.
a) Staphylococci
b) Streptococci
c) Pseudomonas
d) Chlorobium
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Answer: a
Explanation: Staphylococci are the most abundant skin-colonizing bacteria and are hence responsible for acne and other skin infections. Several biosurfactins from marine organisms have exhibited inhibitory effect against staphylococci.

12. Using marine biosurfactins, foam is created using _____________
a) gas chromatography
b) liquid chromatography
c) ultrasonication
d) bubbling technique
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Answer: d
Explanation: Proteins are formulated into a variety of foaming agents and products such as skin cleansing agents and laundry detergents. Foams are formed by the bubbling technique. Surfactins have the ability form density and stabilize foam.

13. Which is a barrier for water transport in and out of the body?
a) Stratum corneum
b) Epidermis
c) Squamous cells
d) Purkinje fibers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Stratum corneum is the outermost layer of the skin that is impermeable to outward water transport and inward chemical permeation. Various methods have been worked out for transdermal drug delivery, chemical penetration enhancement being the most popular.

14. Surfactins act by __________________ in membrane permeation enhancement.
a) membrane stabilization
b) membrane destabilization
c) deacetylation
d) amination reactions
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Answer: b
Explanation: Highly efficient marine biosurfactins act by destabilizing the membrane (stratum corneum) in order to enhance permeability of various drugs and chemicals in transdermal drug delivery approaches.

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