This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Bioactive Metabolites of Marine Invertebrates”.
1. Insect molting hormones from marine invertebrates belong to ____________________
a) terpenoids
b) isoprenoids
c) quinones
d) steroids
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Explanation: The secondary metabolites such as insect molting hormones, sterols and saponins belong to the category of steroids. Crust-ecdysone isolated from the crayfish Jasus lalandei is an example.
2. Which of the following is a metabolite of Callinectes sapidus?
a) Callin-ecdysone A
b) Callin-ecdysone C
c) Callin-ecdysone F
d) Callin-ecdysone G
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Explanation: Callinectes sapidus, the Blue Crab is a native of western Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Steroids from this female marine crab secretes the secondary metabolite callin-ecdysone A in the pre-molt stage.
3. Sterols found in animal tissues are called zoosterols.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Zoosterols are the sterols found in invertebrate (and other animal) tissues; they differ from plant sterols in the degree unsaturation in the B ring and the side chain.
4. Which of the following bioactive metabolite of marine origin exhibits antidiabetic activity?
a) Chlorophyll a
b) Chlorophyll b
c) Fucoxanthin
d) Fucosterol
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Explanation: Fucosterol is a bioactive metabolite isolated from marine algae; it has the capacity of lowering blood cholesterol level and also exhibits antidiabetic activity. These also have the tendency to prevent excessive fat deposition in the heart.
5. Which bioactive metabolites can be isolated from sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea)?
a) Saponin
b) Saffranin
c) Acrydine
d) Quinone
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Explanation: Several species of sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea) are eaten in different parts of the world. A large number of saponins have been isolated from the Cuvier gland of sea cucumbers in the Bahamas.
6. Which of the following saponin is a mixture of several glycosides?
a) Holothurin A
b) Holothurin B
c) Holothurin C
d) Holothurin D
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Explanation: Holothurins are a group of toxins originating from the sea cucumbers Actinopyga agassizi (a holothurian from Bahama Islands). Holothurin A is a mixture of several glycosides and the sapogenins obtained from it are named holothurinogenins.
7. The crude holothurin from Actinopyga agassizi is not active against ________________
a) Sarcoma-180
b) Kerbs-2-ascites
c) KB cell
d) MCF-7
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Explanation: The crude extract of holothurins from Actinopyga agassizi has been shown to exhibit anti-cancer activity against the established cell lines Sarcoma-180, Kerbs-2-ascites and human epidermal oral carcinoma (KB) cell lines.
8. A number of terpenoids are synthesized by gorgonian, the other name for ________________
a) molluscs
b) cilliates
c) soft corals
d) whales
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Explanation: Gorgonian is the other name for soft corals that do not produce calcium carbonate skeletons. Many terpenoids such as eunicin from Eunicea mammosa, have been isolated from the gorgonian.
9. Prostaglandins can be isolated from soft corals.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Prostaglandins are naturally occurring hydroxyl fatty acids found in the mammalian tissue. Two prostaglandins 15-epi-PGA2 and its diester and PGA2α have been isolated from the cortex of gorgonian Plexaura homomalla.
10. The unusual nucleoside spongothymidine is isolated from __________________
a) marine sponge
b) marine algae
c) marine archae
d) marine cyanobacteria
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Explanation: The unusual nucleosides such as spongothymidine, spongouridine and spongosine have been isolatyed from the marine sponge Cryothelia crypta.
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