This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Environmental Ocean Technology”.
1. When proactive steps are applied prior to impending natural disaster, it is called ________________
a) Prevention
b) Siting
c) Hazard management
d) Hazard mitigation
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Explanation: When proactive steps are taken prior to the impending natural disaster, the practice is known as Hazard Mitigation. Beach nourishment, construction of shore protective structures are examples of proactive steps.
2. Potential losses associated with adverse events are called ______________________
a) hazards
b) risks
c) disasters
d) exclusive economic zone
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Explanation: Potential losses associated with adverse events such as storm surge, and flood etc. (coastal hazards) are known as risks. For effective coastal hazard mitigation, it is imperative to assess the risks.
3. Beach is a landscape of constant change.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Beaches and the whole coastline is under constant change due to factors such as influence of the coastal communities, earth’s rotation, gravitational pull, high tides, low tides and winds.
4. Choose the appropriate options.
1. Risk Assessment | a) what can go wrong |
2. Risk Management | b) what are the consequences |
c) probability and recurrence | |
d) what can be done |
a) a-1 b-2 c-1 d-2
b) a-2 b-2 c-2 d-1
c) a-2 b-2 c-1 d-1
d) a-1 b-1 c-1 d-2
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Explanation: Risk assessment and risk management are vital components of coastal hazard mitigation. Hazards, their probability of occurrence and recurrence, and the consequences are parts of assessing and forecasting the risks.
5. What can be used as a standard for construction of coastal structures?
a) 100-year disaster record
b) Mathematical modelling
c) Remote sensing
d) Type of coastline
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Explanation: For construction of coastal structure, the record of 100 years of coastal hazards is assessed. For instance, structures will be constructed so they can withstand storms surges that have taken place in 100 years.
6. Which is not a strategy of risk management?
a) Recurrence assessment
b) Insurance
c) Hazard mitigation
d) Residual risk
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Explanation: Recurrence assessment is a part of risk assessment that calculates the probability and severity with which a coastal hazard may recur. Insurance, hazard mitigation, and residual risk are risk management strategies.
7. Enhancement of natural buffers, land use regulation, and siting are techniques of ____________________
a) risk analysis
b) insurance
c) beach nourishment
d) hazard mitigation
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Explanation: Hazard mitigation practices include siting, construction techniques, protective works, coastal zone management planning, land use regulation, maintenance, and enhancement of natural buffers.
8. Beach fills and sand dune construction are _________________ techniques.
a) protection
b) construction
c) land use regulation
d) siting
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Explanation: Protective works are done to ensure minimal damage as possible protection to the shores, in order to address the long term hazards. Protective works include beach fills, sand dunes, and erosion control construction.
9. The objective of hazards mitigation is to permanently reduce the risks of coastal hazards.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The objective of hazard mitigation practices is to either permanently eliminate or reduce the risks for as long as possible, instead of preparing for or responding to an impending disaster.
10. Hydrostatic pressures are exerted by _____________ on coastal structures.
a) standing waters
b) high tide
c) winds
d) waves
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Explanation: Hydrostatic pressure is exerted by still or slow moving water on coastal structures. The stagnant water can increase rate of marine growth and corrosion of metallic shoreline structures.
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