Marine Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Functional Feeds in Aquaculture

This set of Marine Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Functional Feeds in Aquaculture”.

1. Bacillus subtilis is recognized as safe by the FDA.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bacillus species are used as probiotics in aquaculture and us generally recognized as safe (GRAS) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Probiotics are used to elevate the health of aquaculture organisms.

2. ____________________ is a source of carbohydrates in functional feed.
a) Vegetable flours
b) Fructose syrup
c) soya bean
d) Peptone
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Answer: a
Explanation: Various vegetable flours are added to fish meals and fish oils as sources of carbohydrates. A typical functional feed should also contain protein and oil of vegetable origin, soy is one of the most used ingredients.

3. Carnivorous marine fish tolerate a maximum of 10% carbohydrate concentration.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Carnivorous marine fish do not have adequate enzymes and carbohydrolases to digest starch therefore they can only tolerate 10% carbohydrates at max in a functional feed. The minimum concentration of proteins however is over 50%.

4. ______________ are capable of transforming proteins into amino acids.
a) Probiotics
b) Functional feed
c) Fish meal
d) Fish oil
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Answer: a
Explanation: Probiotics or the good bacteria when added to aquaculture systems or as part of functional feed can breakdown proteins into amino acids. Most of the marine and freshwater fish can not completely digest proteins.

5. A ton of processed fish produces least of ___________________
a) fish oil
b) fish meal
c) bioactive
d) probiotics
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Answer: a
Explanation: A ton of fish produces nearly 10% of fish oil of the total requirement of approximately 40% of it. Shrimp, freshwater fish as well as marine fish require fish oil in the functional feeds along with carbohydrates and proteins.

6. Soybean meal is _________________ ingredient of the aquaculture feed.
a) heaviest
b) lightest
c) toxic
d) costliest
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Answer: c
Explanation: Although soyabean meal contains high amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids; it is toxic in high amounts hence the concentration in a typical functional feed is no greater than 20%.

7. _______________ component of the soybean meal contains toxic proportions.
a) Carbohydrates
b) Lipids
c) Proteins
d) Starch
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Answer: a
Explanation: The soy meal contains roughly 32% of carbohydrates of which 12% are such soluble sugars as sucrose and raffinose; remaining 20% is the proportion of compounds toxic to monogastric animals.

8. What can be added in aquaculture feeds as a digestion promoting supplement?
a) Glucosidase
b) Starch
c) Probiotic bacteria
d) Amylase
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Answer: c
Explanation: Shrimp and fish have poor digestion capability for starch as well as carbohydrates. The latter being economical, however, is usually added to feeds. To promote digestion probiotic bacteria can be incorporated.

9. The genus Bacillus is characterized by the ability to produce spores.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Bacillus constitutes gram positive, non-pathogenic bacteria characterized by the ability to produce robust spores. The bacteria in this genus are generally recognized as safe by the FDA, therefore can be used as probiotics.

10. Animal based ingredients used in formulation of feed must be certified by the _______________ of a country.
a) Agricultural authorities
b) Ministry of Fisheries
c) Foreign trade authorities
d) Sanitary authorities
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Answer: d
Explanation: Animal products and byproducts including fish meal, fish oil etc. must be certified by the sanitary authorities of a country to ensure absence or acceptable levels of any pathogen microbes.

11. _______________ is an opportunistic pathogen that can transmit to humans by consuming contaminated oysters.
a) Vibrio parahemoliticus
b) Vibrio harveyii
c) Bacillus anthracis
d) Vibrio cholerae
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vibrio parahaemoliticus is a rod shaped, curved gram-negative bacteria found in brackish and saltwater. When ingested by consuming such contaminated seafood as oysters, the pathogen can cause gastrointestinal illness.

12. The nutritional requirements are same for which of the following?
a) M. rosenbergii, trout
b) Trout, tilapia
c) L. vannamei, M. rosenbergii
d) L. vannamei, trout
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nutritional requirements are same for shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and tilapia (fish). Hence the functional feed (basal diet combined with probiotics) used in the aquaculture of both are generally same.

13. Tilapia is an omnivore.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tilapia is one of the most popular brackish water fish produced in aquaculture. Tilapia being an omnivore fish is 50% carbohydrates of plant origin, combined with proteins and lipids.

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