Environmental Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Waste Disposal by Sanitary Landfilling

This set of Environmental Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Waste Disposal by Sanitary Landfilling”.

1. Which of the following is used to dispose of the waste generated in urban areas?
a) Low lying areas
b) Residential area of towns and cities
c) Industrial area
d) Rural waste
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Answer: a
Explanation: Low lying areas are usually used to dispose the urban waste which is present near the sea level whereas, any type of waste cannot be disposed of in residential areas of towns and cities or industrial areas which generate a lot of waste like glass, domestic waste, food waste, metals, tin, leaves etc. are referred to as urban waste or in rural areas, as it may pose a threat to the humans and organism living in those areas.

2. At the disposal sites, which of the following methods is used to reduce the volume of urban waste?
a) Bulldozer leveling
b) Open burning
c) Fertilizer
d) Incineration
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Answer: b
Explanation: Open burning usually results in the reduction of the volume of urban waste thereby, also making it easy for rag picking, whereas, bulldozer leveling is usually used for compaction of the waste and doesn’t reduce the volume, fertilizers are not used to reduce the volume of urban waste, incineration is not used at the disposal sites.

3. Open burning at the disposal sites causes severe noise pollution.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Open burning at the disposal sites causes severe air pollution due to incomplete combustion of the urban waste. And incomplete combustion is the result of improper supply of oxygen. It reduces the volume of the waste but results in pollution. So, it definitely causes air pollution and not noise pollution.

4. What is the major environmental concern related to landfill?
a) Limited space
b) Limited technology
c) Less man-power
d) Discharge of leachates
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Answer: d
Explanation: The major environmental concern related to landfill is the discharge of leachates into the immediate environment which pose a great threat to the environment, so, the major concern is to control it, whereas, limited space, technology and man-power do not pose environmental threat.

5. Which of the following treatment shouldn’t be used for pre-treatment of solid waste?
a) Mechanical treatment
b) Biological treatment
c) Thermal treatment
d) Heavy metal treatment
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Answer: d
Explanation: Heavy metal treatment can’t be used for pre-treatment of solid waste as it poses a great threat to the environment because of its toxicity, whereas, mechanical treatment, biological treatment, thermal treatment to reduce the amount of biodegradable organic matter to reduce the environmental pollution.

6. Aerobic degradation of waste in landfills is usually of very less time.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aerobic degradation of waste in landfills is usually of very less time due to very high demand of oxygen which limits the quantity available of aerobic degradation.

7. Which of the following mechanism can’t be used to regulate mass from waste to leaching water?
a) Hydrolysis
b) Addition of heavy metals
c) Biological degradation
d) Solubilisation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hydrolysis, solubilisation of the salts present in the waste and biological degradation are the methods the can be used to regulate the transfer of mass from waste to leaching water. Whereas, addition of heavy metals leads to toxicity.

8. Which of the following phases is not identified in anaerobic degradation?
a) Anaerobic phase
b) Methanogenic fermentation
c) Aerobic compost
d) Acid fermentation
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Answer: c
Explanation: Aerobic compost is not used for degradation of waste in anaerobic phase, whereas, anaerobic phase, methanogenic fermentation and acid fermentation leads to decrease in Ph of leachate.

9. Which of the following is not an environmental monitoring method?
a) Ground water monitoring
b) Landfill sealing
c) Quality of leachate
d) Biodegradation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ground water monitoring, Landfill sealing, Quality of leachate environmental monitoring methods used for measuring the landfill process efficacy in a long term basis, whereas, biodegradation is not an environmental monitoring method but it’s a natural method of degrading wastes.

10. What is the method that fills in gas into the landfills?
a) Vermicomposting
b) In-situ aeration
c) Incineration
d) Recycling
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Answer: b
Explanation: In-situ aeration uses a system which pours in gas to the landfill in more controlled manner, whereas, recycling, Vermicomposting and incineration doesn’t use gas to degrade the solid waste.

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