This set of Environmental Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Comparison of Aerobic and Anaerobic Solid Waste Treatment”.
1. Which of the following is most suitable for dry wastes?
a) Aerobic composting
b) Anaerobic composting
c) Closed vessel
d) Anaerobic digestion
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Explanation: Aerobic composting is usually used to treat the solid wastes which are generally dry in nature and not moist or wet wastes, whereas, anaerobic composting is used to degrade moist solid wastes which are very easy to degrade, and anaerobic digestion and Anaerobic composting is the same thing, and it is carried out under controlled temperature and high moisture control conditions, which takes place inside the vessel, a closed vessel.
2. Which of the following is an end product of anaerobic composting which is a source of energy?
a) Biogas
b) Alcohol
c) Toxic products
d) Amino acid
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Explanation: Biogas can be used as a source of energy which is produced at the end of anaerobic fermentation, Alcohol and Amino acid are produced earlier in the fermentation process. Toxic products are eliminated from the process pre-composting to avoid accumulation in the later processes.
3. The degradation rate of anaerobic digestion is higher than that of aerobic digestion.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The degradation rate of anaerobic digestion is about 80% whereas that of aerobic digestion is 50%. So, in a way anaerobic digestion is more efficient but the amount of time consumption for the degradation depends on the substrate used and the process used.
4. Which of the following is a characteristic of anaerobic digestion?
a) Low degradation rate
b) Low odor emission
c) Narrow suitability of wastes
d) Gas phase
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Explanation: Low degradation rate, high odor emission, narrow suitability of waste, Gas phase, these are the characteristic of aerobic digestion whereas in anaerobic digestion, the degradation rate is comparatively high, odor emission is low, it doesn’t have Gas phase, only solid and liquid phase and wide suitability of wastes.
5. Which of the following is not a characteristic of aerobic digestion?
a) Low degradation rate
b) High odor emission
c) Narrow suitability of wastes
d) Post-treatment
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Explanation: Post-treatment is usually not done in aerobic digestion whereas, in anaerobic digestion Post-treatment is most necessary and is done for about 2-8 weeks, but low degradation rate, high odor emission, narrow suitability of wastes, these are some of the characteristic of aerobic digestion including sanitation, costs etc.
6. Which of the following factor doesn’t affect the growth of the technical expenditure?
a) Odor
b) Germs
c) Methane formation
d) Noise
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Explanation: Methane formation or methanogenesis is a process in anaerobic fermentation. Hydrolysis converts organic matter, Acidification forms acetic acid and methanogenesis leads to methane. Since, this is an end product, it doesn’t raise the technical expenditure. Whereas, Noise, germs, odor and dust can elevate the growth of technical expenditure if their emissions are not controlled.
7. Which of the following is not an advantage of aerobic composting?
a) Simple process
b) Low-cost
c) Easy method
d) Very expensive
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Explanation: Aerobic composting is a very simple process which doesn’t have any high technical expenditure and hence, its low cost. The regular maintenance cost is also low. The method is quite simple and easy to acclimatize. The whole Aerobic composting procedure is simple. So, this process is not so expensive.
8. In the arena of waste treatment, no process is the best.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Waste treatment can be done by various processes, and a lot of different processes and inculcated for the treatment of solid or liquid wastes. Every process has some major advantage or disadvantage but this cannot be a deciding factor for the best process. So, it depends very much on the operational area, so, there is no best treatment, every treatment has its pros and cons.
9. Which of the following process is not used for waste treatment?
a) Aerobic composting
b) Anaerobic fermentation
c) Nuclear imaging
d) Vermicomposting
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Explanation: Nuclear imaging is used in medical field to find answers to the medical problems like various diseases. Anaerobic fermentation, Aerobic composting and Vermicomposting are the processes used for waste treatment by using various methods and techniques to degrade the waste from the environment.
10. What is a major advantage of anaerobic fermentation over aerobic composting?
a) Human control
b) Production of methane
c) High water content
d) Less water contents
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Explanation: Human control is one of the major advantages of anaerobic fermentation over aerobic composting which can control the liquid and gaseous emissions, which is not the case for aerobic composting. High water content or low water content is irrelevant to this advantage. Also, the ability of re-use of methane by the engineers, in the process is a major advantage. So, in this case production of methane is not very relevant.
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