This set of Environmental Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Biodegradable Organic Pollutants”.
1. Bacterial assemblage can help in the degradation of __________
a) alcohol
b) carbonic acid
c) water
d) organic pollutants
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Explanation: Bacterial assemblage or addition of bacteria to treat the organic waste can help in the degradation of organic pollutants. Bacteria has this special ability to use the organic waste as their sole carbon source to grow, thereby degrading them from the environment.
2. Which the following factors of pollutants doesn’t influence their Eco toxicological evaluations?
a) Stability
b) Size
c) Color
d) Texture
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Explanation: Stability and metabolism of pollutants greatly influence their Eco toxicological evaluations, whereas, Size, Color, Texture of the pollutants of the pollutants are independent of Eco toxicological evaluations.
3. Which of the following factors is not used to determine the response of aquatic environment water and sediment biota to pollutants?
a) Altered growth rate
b) Fermentation
c) Physiological activity at cellular level
d) Physiological activity at organism level
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Explanation: Aquatic environment water and sediment biota to respond to pollutants by showing alterations in growth rate, physiological activity at cellular level and physiological activity at organism level, whereas, fermentation doesn’t happen at the sediment biota.
4. The rate of degradability of pollutants is determined by its stability and ___________
a) residence time
b) fermentation time
c) instability
d) growth
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Explanation: The rate of degradability of pollutants is determined by its stability and residence time in the environment, pollutants cannot grow as they are not living organisms, fermentation is not observed in pollutants, instability is not a measure of rate of degradability.
5. Which of the following is not a subdivision of degradability of pollutants?
a) Very easily degradable
b) Easily degradable
c) Potentially degradable
d) Very fast degradable
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Explanation: To determine the degradability of pollutants it is subdivided into parts like Very easily degradable, easily degradable, potentially degradable but there is no such division like Very fast degradable.
6. Which the following doesn’t come under the category of very easily degradable compounds?
a) Sugar
b) Amino acids
c) Organic acids
d) PCB
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Explanation: PCB is a very slowly degrading persistent pollutant, Sugar, Amino acids, Organic acids with very short and simple polymers can be very easily degraded.
7. Very easily degradable pollutant can be degraded by direct metabolism by bacteria.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Very easily degradable pollutants are Sugar, Amino acids, Organic acids with very short and simple polymers and can be degraded by direct metabolism by bacteria.
8. What of the following biological organisms cannot be used to degrade very easily degradable pollutants?
a) Bacteria
b) Fungi
c) Algae
d) Dioxins
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Explanation: Dioxins is an organic persistent pollutant and is not a biological organism, whereas, Bacteria, Fungi, Algae and protozoans can be used to degrade very easily degradable pollutants.
9. Which of the following methods is not used to degrade easily degradable pollutant?
a) Adaptation of bacteria
b) Exo and endo enzyme reaction
c) Biofilm development
d) Pasteurization
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Explanation: Adaptation of bacteria, Exo and endo enzyme reaction, Biofilm development and bacterial assemblage are the methods used to degrade easily degradable pollutant but pasteurization is a procedure followed in dairy industry.
10. Artificial inoculation is a degradation requirement in potentially degradable pollutants.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Artificial inoculation, along with Adaptation of bacteria, Exo and endo enzyme reaction, Biofilm development and bacterial assemblage are the various degradation requirement in potentially degradable pollutants.
11. Additional substrate requirement is there along with artificial inoculation to degrade very slowly degradable pollutants.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Additional substrate requirement, Artificial inoculation, along with Adaptation of bacteria, Exo and endo enzyme reaction, Biofilm development and bacterial assemblage with an increased residence time is essential to degrade very slowly degradable pollutants.
12. The residence time of easily degradable pollutants in the environment ranges from ___________
a) 10-14 days
b) 0-05 days
c) 0-06 days
d) 50 days
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Explanation: The residence time of easily degradable pollutants in the environment ranges from 10-14 days with the involvement of one or more than one bacterial strains, minimum it takes 10 days to degrade and not less than that.
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