Environmental Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Microalgal Culture – Harvesting and Drying of Algal Biomass

This set of Environmental Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Microalgal Culture – Harvesting and Drying of Algal Biomass”.

1. Which of the following can be a major source of eutrophication during algal biomass harvesting?
a) Pure water
b) Nitrogen
c) Salty water
d) Effluent quality
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Answer: b
Explanation: During algal biomass harvesting, there are chances of nitrogen contamination is the main source of eutrophication of surface water, during microbiological examination, the relative concentration of organism at the time of stress is useful in determining the changes in effluent quality of water, salty water is found abundantly in seas, pure water doesn’t contain any impurities, however these does not cause eutrophication.

2. Which of the following methods can be used to separate phosphates from insoluble precipitates during drying of algal biomass?
a) Sedimentation
b) Temperature
c) pH
d) Volume
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Answer: a
Explanation: During drying of algal biomass, sedimentation method can be used for removal of phosphates from insoluble precipitates of heavy metals, temperature, pH or the volume component cannot be used to separate phosphates from insoluble precipitates of the heavy metals.

3. Which of the following organisms represent the natural living style as consortium of microorganisms?
a) Microbial communities
b) Fungi
c) Protozoa
d) Animals
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Answer: a
Explanation: Biofilms are usually called as the consortium of microorganisms which represent the natural living style of Microbial communities, fungi grow by producing mycelium, protozoa and animals don’t grow by forming biofilms.

4. The algal biofilms can be engineered for bio degradation and bio transformation.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The algal biofilms play a very important in the bio-geochemical cycles of the environment and it can be genetically modified for degradation of persistent pollutants in the environment i.e. it can be used for can be engineered for bio degradation and bio transformation.

5. Which of the following compound can be broken down by the algal biomass in the waste water?
a) Iron
b) Nitrogen
c) Sodium
d) Potassium
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Answer: b
Explanation: Phosphorus and Nitrogen compounds are present in the waste water and those need to be degraded to get better quality of water which is done by microbial biofilms, Iron, sodium and potassium are treated as highly toxic compounds.
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6. Pathogens can be removed by action of algal biofilms.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pathogens from waste water can be removed by action of algal biofilms as they grow using them as the carbon source, thereby degrading them in the process. So, pathogens can be removed by action of algal biofilms.

7. Which of the following method can be used for water disinfection?
a) Chlorination
b) Floatation
c) Flocculation
d) Filtration
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chlorination is a method which is used for water disinfection by adding chlorine to the water whereas floatation is the method in which solids float in the water, flocculation is a method of sedimentation and filtration is a physical method of separation.

8. Which of following physical methods cannot be used for harvesting algal biomass of waste water?
a) Sedimentation
b) Floatation
c) Filtration
d) Chlorination
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Answer: d
Explanation: Chlorination is a chemical process used for treatment of water whereas sedimentation, floatation, filtration are physical methods used for waste water treatment. It can also be used for harvesting algal biomass of waste water.

9. Which of the following process involves accumulation of chemical followed by quick mixing?
a) Ultra filtration
b) Sedimentation
c) Filtration
d) Coagulation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Coagulation means addition of a particular chemical followed by quick mixing to dissolve the chemicals and distribute it in the water whereas sedimentation filtration and ultrafiltration involves physical method techniques and chemicals are not added.

10. Algal biomass harvesting is done by segregating various waste streams.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Efficient algal biomass harvesting and wastewater treatment is done by segregating various waste streams and treating them separately using various waste water treatment techniques before mixing together for final treatment.

11. Reverse osmosis is used in the treatment of waste water to remove the suspended solids from the water.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Reverse osmosis is reverse process of osmosis in which water moves from higher concentration to lower concentration through semi permeable membrane and then there is a movement from high solute concentration to low solute removing suspended solids from the water.

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