This set of Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Method of Pricing Irrigation”.
1. On which factor does the pricing of irrigation water is done on a flat rate?
a) Type of Crops Sown
b) Amount of Irrigation Water Used
c) For the Whole Field Sown
d) Per Hectare
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Explanation: When the pricing of irrigation water is done on the flat rate or crop rate basis, then these rates are specified per hectare of each sown crop, cultivated by the cultivators.
2. Groundnut is a cash crop but whereas wheat is a food crop.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: According to the pricing of irrigation water groundnut is priced four times the wheat crop even though groundnut uses only one-third of water used by wheat. But groundnut is priced more because the reason is that groundnut has a higher earning capacity compared to wheat. So, therefore from this we can say that groundnut is a cash crop and wheat is a food crop.
3. On how many factors does the specified rates in the crop rate system of pricing depends?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 2
d) 1
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Explanation: The specified rates in the crop rate system of pricing depending on the factors like water requirement of each crop, and earning capacity of that crop.
4. Crop rate system of pricing does not help the cultivators for economizing the use of water.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: This system does help the cultivators for economizing in the use of water because the cultivators will be charged at a flat rate for the area of crops grown. So, therefore the cultivators will never bother to the wastage of water and will use the water recklessly.
5. What does the crop rate system may lead to?
a) Overutilization Water
b) Careful use of Water
c) Sufficient use of Water
d) Insufficient use of Water
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Explanation: As this method does not encourage the cultivators to economically use the water, it leads to over utilization of water which in turn leads waterlogging, salinity of irrigated lands, and wastage of precious irrigation water, which ultimately leads to scarcity of irrigation water.
6. In crop rate revenue system field assessment is done by?
a) Canal Officer
b) IAS Officer
c) Tahsildar
d) Patwari
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Explanation: The field assessment in the crop rate revenue system, the area required by each crop grown by the cultivators is carried out and recorded by patwari at the time of sowing, cultivating, and harvesting.
7. Who has the authority to grant remissions to the cultivators?
a) IAS Officer
b) Canal Officer
c) Patwari
d) Tahsildar
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Explanation: We cannot expect a complete yield from the complete area of the crops sown. Due to natural calamities or due to human made mistakes the yield of the crop may decrease. So, when the failure of crop occurs due to the reasons which cannot be controlled by the cultivators, the canal officers have the authority to grant remissions to the cultivators in full or part.
8. In which method of pricing measuring devices are installed?
a) Direct Revenue Collection
b) Crop Rate System
c) Volumetric Method of Pricing
d) Crop Rate Revenue System
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Explanation: In this type of system measuring devices like water meters, modular outlets, and venturi meters at the outlets of irrigation minors because in this pricing of irrigation water is done on basis of actual consumption of water by each cultivator or by a group of cultivators like society.
9. Which type of system is not in practice in India?
a) Crop Rate Revenue System
b) Direct Revenue Collection
c) Crop Rate System
d) Volumetric Method of Pricing
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Explanation: This type of system is not in practice in India even though it provides inherent advantages towards the economic use of irrigation water due to the high installment and maintenance cost of measuring devices.
10. Which type of system can be easily used in tube well irrigation?
a) Direct Revenue Collection
b) Crop Rate Revenue System
c) Volumetric Method of Pricing
d) Crop Rate System
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Explanation: Volumetric method of pricing can be efficiently used in tube well irrigation because the process billing can be done on the information of a number of units of electricity utilized in running a particular tube well supplying water to a particular society of cultivators.
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