Irrigation Engineering Questions and Answers – Economic Water Rates Vs Prevailing Revenue Rates in India

This set of Irrigation Engineering written test Questions & Answers focuses on “Economic Water Rates Vs Prevailing Revenue Rates in India”.

1. Depending on how many factors the government generally fixes the irrigation water revenue rates?
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: Depending on the factors like water requirement of the crops, and earning capacity of the crop the government generally fixes the revenue rates of irrigation waters.

2. According to which factor the real cost of irrigation water can be worked out?
a) Maintenance Costs
b) Initial Capital
c) Economic Considerations
d) Total Area of Irrigated Land
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Answer: c
Explanation: Based on economic considerations like computing the cost of irrigation project, its annual operating and maintenance costs, and recovery of the capital during its lifespan.

3. Economic water rate means the rate worked out in rupees per unit quantity of water.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: To work out the real cost of irrigation waters based on economic considerations, a rate is worked from these considerations. Such a rate, which is worked in terms of rupees per some unit quantity of water, is known as economic water rate.

4. What policy was framed in India to reduce the losses?
a) Irrigation Water Policy
b) Water Law
c) Policy of Water
d) National Water Policy
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Answer: d
Explanation: In order to reduce the huge losses and subsidies, given by the government in operations of irrigation water systems and the urgent need to increase the water rates a new policy was framed in India in 1987.

5. Economic water rates are higher than the rates by the government bodies.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Economic water rates are higher than the rates being charged by the government bodies in the country. For instance in Gujarat state charged a rupees 0.3 per kiloliter, but only rupees 0.18 per kiloliter is charged by State Tube well Corporation. Similar situations are being faced in states like Orissa, Andhra Pradesh etc.
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6. What is the main agenda of the National Water Policy?
a) Quality Check of Irrigation Water
b) Recommendations to States
c) Maintenance of the Irrigation Structures
d) Recover Charges
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Answer: d
Explanation: The main aim or agenda of the National Water Policy is that to recover the revenue rates to adequate the annual operation and maintenance charges and a part of the fixed capital. In this way, we can also convey the scarcity value of natural resources to the consumers.

7. In the main agenda of National Water Policy what charges can be exempted for time being?
a) Recovery of Annual Operation Charges
b) Recovery of Maintenance Charges
c) Recovery of Fixed Capital
d) Irrigation Water Charges
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Answer: c
Explanation: For some time being or in the initial working years of the irrigation structures (say 10 years) the recovery on the fixed capital cost charges as we must first fully rationalize our revenue rates in such a way that we recover annual and maintenance expenditure completely on the irrigation structures.

8. What is the name of the committee appointed by the government on 23-10-1991?
a) Committee on Revenue Collection on Irrigation Water
b) Committee on Pricing of Irrigation Water
c) Committee on Recovery of Charges
d) Committee on Finding the Irrigation Structures
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Answer: b
Explanation: With an initiative to rationalize the irrigation water rates in different states, the planning commission of India has appointed a Committee on Pricing of Irrigation Water on 23-10-1991.

9. Which state has completely avoided the irrigation revenue rates?
a) Punjab
b) Maharashtra
c) Andhra Pradesh
d) Gujarat
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Answer: a
Explanation: Punjab state abolished water charges for the irrigation water supplies on February 1997, as all most all the whole population of the state is farmers. So, in order to benefit its state farmers and to politically become strong among them the government completely abolished the irrigation revenue rates or charges in the state.


10. On what factors does the economic water rate depend?
a) 4
b) 5
c) 3
d) 6
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Answer: b
Explanation: The economic water rate depends upon the initial cost of the irrigation project, its effective life span, rate of interest considered on the capital, annual operation charges, and maintenance charges.

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