This set of Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Water Requirements – Crop Period or Base Period”.
1. What is the time interval between the sowing and harvesting of crops?
a) Base period
b) Kor period
c) Crop period
d) Season period
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Explanation: Crop period is the time period that is elapsed from the instant of sowing to that of harvesting. Kor period is the time elapsed for kor watering. The base period is the time elapsed from first watering to the last watering.
2. Crop period is approximately assumed to be the same as that of the base period.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The watering stops before harvesting and base period is the time elapsed between first watering and the last watering till the crop matures. The total water requirement for the maturing process of the crop is non-uniform in the entire span which is also the crop period. Hence, both are assumed to be the same.
3. What is the first step in soil preparation before sowing of seeds?
a) Levelling
b) Ploughing
c) Manuring
d) Pre-watering
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Explanation: Tillage is the technical term used for soil preparation to ensure ideal conditions for seed germination and growth of crops. It involves ploughing or dig-up, mix and overturning of the soil, followed by breaking the soil into small mass and then levelling the field.
4. Kor period is less for humid climates and more for dry climates.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Kor period depends upon the climate. It is generally less for humid climates and more for dry climates. Crop type, length of the base period, the water requirement of plants at different stages, soil conditions, etc are all factors influencing the number of waterings.
5. The first watering before sowing the crop is ________
a) paleo
b) kor
c) delta
d) flooding
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Explanation: Before sowing a crop first watering has to be done on the land to add sufficient water to the unsaturated zone of a soil which is required for the initial growth of the crop. This watering is known as Paleo.
6. What is called as the percentage of C.C.A irrigated at a time in one crop season?
a) Gross Command Area
b) Culturable cultivated area
c) Culturable uncultivated area
d) Intensity of irrigation
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Explanation: Intensity of irrigation can be defined as “a ratio of irrigated land at a time one crop season to C.C.A”. Mathematically, Area to be irrigated = C.C.A x intensity of irrigation.
7. Superfluous water is also called _______
a) capillary water
b) gravitational water
c) hydroscopic water
d) saturation capacity
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Explanation: A part of the water that will move out of the soil, if proper drainage is provided, is known as gravitational or superfluous water. This is not useful for the plants and it cannot be absorbed by the root zone.
8. The useful soil moisture for plant growth is ______
a) capillary water
b) gravitational water
c) hydroscopic water
d) permanent wilting point
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Explanation: Capillary water exists in the porous space of the soil by molecular attraction. This is the useful moisture for the growth of plants. Hydroscopic water and gravitational water cannot be absorbed by the root zone.
9. The area in which inferior crops can be grown without irrigation is called semi-arid region.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: An area where irrigation is a must is the arid region. The crops that are able to survive semi-arid regions are maize, beans, green grams.
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