Irrigation Engineering Questions and Answers – Earth Type Linings

This set of Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Earth Type Linings”.

1. In soil-cement lining the Portland cement is added to the soil up to the extent of ____________
a) 4% to 5%
b) 2% to 8%
c) 0.1% to 5%
d) > 10%
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Answer: b
Explanation: Portland cement up to the extent of 2% to 8% is added to the locally available soil. Water is then added and thoroughly mixed so as to bring the soil to its optimum moisture content. The material is then placed and compacted at the site.

2. Which type of lining is restricted to the availability of suitable soils in the area?
a) Compacted earth lining
b) Soil-cement lining
c) Cement mortar lining
d) Stone lining
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Answer: a
Explanation: The use of this lining is restricted to the soil available in the area where the canal has to be constructed. Soil graded to obtain the required characteristics and is compacted at optimum moisture content. Transportation of such soils from outside is not recommended as it would be uneconomical.

3. Which lining is restricted to small canals and water-courses?
a) Compacted earth lining
b) Asphalt lining
c) Sodium carbonate lining
d) Stone lining
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sodium carbonate lining is not very durable and it lasts only for about 3 to 4 years in ordinary cases. Hence it is restricted to small canals and watercourses. This consists of a layer of clayey soil and sodium carbonate.

4. A flexible membrane impregnated with tar or bitumen is spread over the subgrade in _________________
a) asphalt lining
b) soil-cement lining
c) cement mortar lining
d) puddle clay lining
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Answer: a
Explanation: In Asphalt lining a flexible membrane-like rot proof canvas or cloth is infused with tar or bitumen is spread over the subgrade. This forms an impervious barrier and is responsible for preventing seepage loss.

5. Puddle clay is laid on the subgrade to form a fairly water-tight coating.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Puddle-clay is a clayey soil and it becomes fairly impervious when properly pugged and saturated with water. The thick layer of puddle-clay is protected with a 30 cm thick layer of a silty soil. This reduces seepage loss by 80 percent.
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