Irrigation Engineering Questions and Answers – Causes of Water-logging

This set of Irrigation Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Causes of Water-logging”.

1. Which factor depends upon the depressions of the terrain and causes water logging?
a) Irregular Topography
b) Impervious Obstruction
c) Inadequate Surface Drainage
d) Excessive Rains
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Answer: a
Explanation: In hilly areas, the water is drained quickly, but in case of flat or irregular terrains having depressions the drainage is not adequate. This leads to more stagnation of water causing percolation and rising of water table.

2. Which factor is concerned with the growth of weeds?
a) Excessive Rains
b) Submergence due to Floods
c) Over and Intensive Irrigation
d) Seepage of Water through the Canals
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Answer: b
Explanation: If a particular is continuously submerged under due to floods, this paves the way for the growth of water plants like weeds and grasses e.t.c. and obstructs the natural surface drainage flow causing waterlogging.

3. Due to inadequate drainage which factor causes waterlogging with constant percolation?
a) Over and Intensive Irrigation
b) Impervious Obstruction
c) Inadequate Surface Drainage
d) Flat Topography
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Answer: c
Explanation: During rains storm water gets mixed with irrigation water. The irrigation water should be removed so as to not mix with storm water as this leads to percolation. Moreover, if proper drainage is not present constant percolation happens and water table rises.

4. What factor creates temporary and continuous waterlogging?
a) Submergence due to Floods
b) Flat Topography
c) Impervious Obstruction
d) Excessive Rains
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Answer: d
Explanation: Excessive rainfalls create temporary waterlogging, but if adequate drainage is not present or provided then it leads to continuous waterlogging.

5. Which factor leads to waterlogging due to obstruction?
a) Inadequate Natural Drainage
b) Flat Topography
c) Impervious Obstruction
d) Over and Intensive Irrigation
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Answer: c
Explanation: Generally, water after seeping the soil moves horizontally before even seeping further. But this movement is sometimes is obstructed by some obstructions like stone, ice, or some impervious stratum below the top layers of pervious soil. In these cases seeping water cannot go deep and resulting in the rise of water table.

6. Which factor comes into play when less permeable substratum is present?
a) Flat Topography
b) Impervious Obstruction
c) Excessive Rains
d) Inadequate Natural Drainage
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Answer: d
Explanation: When there is the presence of less permeable substratum below the top layers of permeable soils there is poor drainage of water into the deep ground. So, therefore if proper natural drainage is present waterlogging takes place.

7. When a canal is taken as an example what factor about it causes waterlogging?
a) Seepage of Water from the High Lands
b) Seepage of Water through the Canals
c) Over and Intensive Irrigation
d) Excessive Rains
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Answer: b
Explanation: When a canal is unlined then there room for seepage losses through the side slopes, and bed of the canal. This leads to the rise of water table in the adjoining areas due to percolation of water, which ultimately leads to waterlogging.

8. Which factor causing waterlogging suggests extensive irrigation?
a) Impervious Obstruction
b) Excessive Rains
c) Over and Intensive Irrigation
d) Seepage of Water from High Lands
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Answer: c
Explanation: When intensive irrigation is practiced, it only irrigates a small portion of the whole irrigable land. Due to this over irrigation it leads to heavy percolation which leads to rising of water table causing waterlogging. So, to prevent waterlogging extensive method of irrigation is recommended.

9. Seepage of water from the adjoining highlands causes waterlogging.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The water present in the highlands gets seeped into the sub-soils of the affected areas. This leads to the rise of water table causing waterlogging.

10. Waterlogging is the rise of water table.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The water which seeps deep down to the ground gets collected at some point and forms under water table. Due to some reasons the level of this table gets raised up to the top soil level. Here further water cannot seep down and it gets stagnated on the top surfaces of the soil. This stagnation of water due to the rise of water table is called waterlogging. Therefore we can say that the waterlogging is the rise of the water table.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Irrigation Engineering.

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