Here are Basic Biotechnology MCQs (Chapterwise).
1. What is the primary function of restriction enzymes in biotechnology?
a) DNA ligation
b) DNA replication
c) DNA transcription
d) DNA fragmentation
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Explanation: Restriction enzymes are used to cleave DNA at specific recognition sequences, resulting in DNA fragmentation. This process is crucial for various biotechnological applications such as gene cloning and DNA analysis.
2. Which region must hold a high future in biomass production?
a) Tropical regions
b) Wetlands
c) Plains
d) Evergreen regions
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Explanation: The tropics have climatic conditions favouring rapid biomass production. They also possess high future potential in bio based productions. So tropics hold a high future in biomass production.
3. What is the most stable and convenient form of catalyst for biotechnological process?
a) Nucleic acid
b) Phosphate group
c) A whole organism
d) Cell organelle
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Explanation: In majority of examples developed to date, the most effective, stable and convenient form for the catalyst for a biotechnological process is a whole organism. This is the reason that so much biotechnological process revolves around microbial process. Because a whole microorganism is small and easy to culture.
4. Which among the following is damaging the future industrial development of some areas of biotechnology?
a) Employees
b) Unrealistic regulatory requirements
c) Daily wages
d) Bioreactors used
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Explanation: Some damages in biotechnological industry development was observed. These were first observed in the U.S. These damages are supposed to be caused by unrealistic regulatory requirements.
5. What will public perception of biotechnology have a major influence on?
a) Direction of developments
b) Flow of information
c) Rate and direction of developments
d) Rate of the development
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Explanation: Public perception of biotechnology plays a key role in industrial aspects. It has a major influence on the rate and direction of the developments. Developments are the products obtained.
6. Which technique is used to separate and analyze DNA fragments based on their size in biotechnology?
a) Gel electrophoresis
b) DNA sequencing
c) Southern blotting
d) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
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Explanation: Gel electrophoresis is a technique commonly used in biotechnology to separate and analyze DNA fragments based on their size. DNA fragments are loaded onto an agarose gel and subjected to an electric field, causing them to migrate through the gel at different rates based on their size.
7. In the realm of biotechnology, what should the community sit up and take notice of, and collaborate with?
a) activist
b) public
c) biologist
d) protagonist
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Explanation: Biotechnology community needs to sit up. It has to work with public. This can ensure longevity of biotechnology community.
8. What will agriculture biotechnology not improve?
a) Variety
b) Quality
c) Climate
d) Yield
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Explanation: Agricultural biotechnology has no link to climate. It can however produce high yield. It can also ensure quality, quantity and variety.
9. Which among the following is the juice obtained from raw sugar during refining process?
a) Vanilla essence
b) Lignin
c) Starch
d) Molasses
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Explanation: Molasses is the thick and brown juice. It is obtained from raw sugar. It is generally obtained during refining process.
10. Which among the following is not an obstacle to use wastes as biotechnological substrates?
a) Availability of software programs
b) Chances of toxicity in substrates
c) Geographical availability
d) Availability of agricultural waste
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Explanation: Availability of agricultural waste determines the application. Geographical distribution also plays a vital role. Software programs does not play a vital role in substrates of biotech.
11. What gives shape to the plant or microbial cells?
a) Cytoplasm
b) Exoskeleton
c) Nuclear membrane
d) Nucleus
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Explanation: Plant and most microbial cells are characterized by a distinct outer wall. This wall is called as the exoskeleton. It gives shape to the cell.
12. What are designed to detect specific target DNA molecules?
a) Ammonia probes
b) Phosphodiester bond probes
c) Nucleic acid probes
d) Ribose sugar probes
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Explanation: Probes are generally used to detect specific targets. In molecular biology also, probes are used. Nucleic acid probes are designed to detect specific target DNA molecules.
13. What allow us to determine the biological sequences that make up the cell?
a) Golgi apparatus
b) Chloroplast
c) Cell membrane
d) Genomic sequences
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Explanation: Genomic sequences allow us to determine the biological components. These make up the cell. Sometimes, even the whole organism.
14. Increase in what can predict the growth of cell?
a) Replication
b) Cell material
c) Transcription
d) Translation
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Explanation: Growth of organism can be seen as the increase of cell material. It is expressed in terms of mass or cell number. It results from enzymatically catalyzed biological steps.
15. Which among the following is not a fermentation technology product?
a) Coffee
b) Soya sauce
c) Sauerkraut
d) Cheese
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Explanation: Fermentation technology is now called bioprocess technology. It uses microbes for obtaining fermented products. General products are cheese, sauerkraut, soya sauce and some pickles.
16. What includes procedures to allow detection and isolation of microbes of interest?
a) Centrifuging
b) Precipitation
c) Screening
d) Mashing
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Explanation: Screening is the use of procedures to allow detection and isolation. It is for microbes of interest among high population. Metabolites can also be taken.
Chapterwise Multiple Choice Questions on Basic Biotechnology
- Nature of Biotechnology
- Biomass: A Biotechnology Substrate
- Genetics and Biotechnology
- Bioprocess/Fermentation Technology
- Enzyme Technology
- Environmental Biotechnology
- Plant Biotechnology
- Food and Beverage Biotechnology
1. MCQ on Nature of Biotechnology
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on nature of biotechnology, the three-component central core, product safety, public perception of biotechnology, and biotechnology and the developing world.
2. Biomass: A Biotechnology Substrate
The section covers questions and answers on biomass strategy, natural raw materials, availability of by-products, and raw materials and the future of biotechnology.
3. Genetics and Biotechnology
The section contains MCQs on industrial genetics, protoplast and cell fusion technologies, genetic engineering, the polymerase chain reaction and DNA sequencing, nucleic acid probes, genomics and proteomics, antisense and RNA interference, systems biology, and potential laboratory biohazards of genetic engineering.
4. Questions on Bioprocess/Fermentation Technology
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on principles of microbial growth, bioreactors, scale-up, media design for fermentation processes, solid substrate fermentation, and technology of mammalian and plant cell culture.
5. Enzyme Technology
The section covers questions and answers on enzyme technology, including introduction to enzymes, enzyme nomenclature, enzyme inhibition, and choice of enzyme sources.
6. Environmental Biotechnology
The section contains MCQs on environmental biotechnology, covering basics, issues, and the scope of environmental biotechnology.
7. Questions on Plant Biotechnology
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on plant biotechnology, covering its history and overview, plant development, and plant anatomy and morphology.
8. Food and Beverage Biotechnology
The section covers questions and answers on food microbiology, including its history, nutrient elements such as macronutrients and micronutrients, and microorganisms growth factors.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Basic Biotechnology!