Basic Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Public Perception of Biotechnology

This set of Basic Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Public Perception of Biotechnology”.

1. Biotechnology present enormous potential for healthcare and the production, processing and quality of foods through____________
a) diversity
b) genetic engineering
c) algae
d) microbiology
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Answer: b
Explanation: Biotechnology has an enormous potential for healthcare and other sectors. Production, processing and quality of foods is taken care of through genetic engineering. It is carried out in various crops, fertilizers, pesticides, vaccines and other animal and fishes.

2. Genetic engineering of crops, fertilizers, pesticides, vaccines and various small animal and fish species is possible.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Biotechnology presents enormous potential. It helps in better production, processing and quality of certain products. The implications of these biotechnological processes go beyond technical benefits offered.

3. Implementation of new techniques depends on the acceptance by ___________
a) consumers
b) producers
c) industries
d) factories
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Answer: a
Explanation: New biotechnological products are often times launched in the market. These sometimes use new techniques for manufacture. Implementation of new techniques depends on the acceptance by the consumers or buyers.

4. A.C.S.T. is the abbreviation of which science body?
a) Advisory Committee on Space and Technology
b) Advisory Committee on Science and Travel
c) Advisory Committee on Science and Technology
d) Advisory Committee on Science and Tourism
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Answer: c
Explanation: A.C.S.T. is the abbreviation of Advisory Committee on Science and Technology. It is an international science body. It has published various reports on Biotechnology.

5. What will public perception of biotechnology have a major influence on?
a) Rate and direction of developments
b) Rate of the development
c) Direction of developments
d) Flow of information
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Answer: a
Explanation: Public perception of biotechnology plays a key role in industrial aspects. It has a major influence on the rate and direction of the developments. Developments are the products obtained.

6. What are the subjects that have related questions to genetic manipulation?
a) Safety, Ethics and Welfare
b) Price hikes
c) Employability
d) Availability of workers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Availability of workers is a factor influencing genetic manipulation. These are generally less affected by price hikes. Associated with genetic manipulation are diverse questions of safety, ethics and welfare.

7. In, foreseeable future of biotechnology will be under scrutiny.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: There is a huge public debate for growing up biotechnology. It is necessary for biotechnology to flourish. Foreseeable future of biotechnology will be under scrutiny.

8. What is the percentage of scientifically literate people in the U.S.?
a) 18%
b) 45%
c) 93%
d) 7%
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Answer: d
Explanation: There is low level of scientific literacy in the U.S. Only 7% are scientifically literate there. Even then, public draws conclusion about biotechnology.

9. The biotechnology community needs to sit up and take notice of, and work with _______
a) public
b) activist
c) protagonist
d) biologist
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Answer: a
Explanation: Biotechnology community needs to sit up. It has to work with public. This can ensure longevity of biotechnology community.

10. What would be biotech industry’s peril?
a) To ignore public
b) To praise biologists
c) To invest more on research
d) To develop new solutions
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Answer: a
Explanation: The peril of biotech industry would be avoiding the consumers. The consumers are the buyers or the public. Hence, it must be kept in view that they understand the benefits of biotechnology.

11. Resources must be invested to foster a good relationship with____
a) the buyers
b) the engineers
c) the technologist
d) the businessman
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Answer: a
Explanation: A good relationship with the buyers is necessary. It is to ascertain safe launch of product. Resources must be invested to foster a good relationship with the public or the buyers.

12. Which of the following genetic modifications is not approved?

a) Crops
b) Vaccines
c) Elephants
d) Pesticides
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Answer: c
Explanation: Genetic modification of crops is approved. Genetic modification of laboratory small scale animals is also approved. But genetic modification of Elephants is generally not allowed.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Basic Biotechnology.

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