Basic Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Genetic Engineering

This set of Basic Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Genetic Engineering”.

1. George Kohler and Cesar Milstein demonstrated the production of monoclonal antibodies in which year?
a) 1945
b) 1975
c) 2005
d) 2015
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Answer: b
Explanation: B lymphocytes produce single antibody types. In 1975 George Kohler and Cesar Milstein demonstrated the production of monoclonal antibodies. This was a fusion product.

2. Fusion product or hybridoma is obtained by the fusion of ___________
a) B lymphocytes and RBC
b) B lymphocytes and nerve cells
c) B lymphocytes and myeloma tumor cells
d) RBC and nerve cells
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Answer: c
Explanation: Antibodies are produced from fusion product. Fusion product is also called hybridoma. Hybridoma is obtained from the fusion of B-lymphocytes and myeloma tumor cells.

3. In which year were George Kohler and Cesar Milstein awarded Nobel prize?
a) 1984
b) 1994
c) 2004
d) 2014
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Answer: a
Explanation: In 1975 George Kohler and Cesar Milstein demonstrated the production of monoclonal antibodies. This was a fusion product. They were awarded Nobel prize in 1984.

4. Value of therapeutic antibodies in late 1990s was __________
a) US $ 6 billion
b) US $ 6 million
c) US $ 16 million
d) US $ 0.6 million
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Answer: a
Explanation: Value of therapeutic antibodies in late 1990s was US $ 6 billion. It is still steadily rising. Antibodies are now immunotherapeutic medicines.

5. In the diagram mentioned below, myeloma cells and spleen cells are for fusing purposes, kept in a special medium. What is that medium?

a) Polyethylene glycol
b) Ammonia
c) Ethidium bromide
d) Sodium chloride
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Answer: a
Explanation: Myeloma cells are tumor cells. They are fused with spleen cells or B-lymphocytes. Then they are kept in a medium containing polyethylene glycol to enhance fusion.

6. In the diagram mentioned below, what is ‘X’? Note that ‘X’ is fused with myeloma tumor cells.

a) B-lymphocytes
b) RBC
c) Nerve cells
d) Thrombocytes
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Answer: a
Explanation: Myeloma cells are tumor cells. They are fused with X. X is B-Lymphocytes, also known as spleen cells.

7. From the diagram mentioned below, you can see that a fusion product is obtained. What is the fusion product called?

a) Hybridoma
b) Mutagens
c) Carcinogens
d) Ammonia
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Answer: a
Explanation: Monoclonal antibodies are produced by fusion. Myeloma tumor cells are fused with B-lymphocytes. The fusion product is called hybridoma.

8. Antibody secreting cells have limited life span.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antibody secreting cells are B-lymphocytes. They are spleen cells. They have a specific life span.

9. Cancer cells are capable of continuous growth.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cancer cells are capable of continuous growth. They are also said to be immortal, as they continuously divide. They have lost contact inhibition.

10. What is the full form of ELISA?
a) Enzyme linked immunosorbent area
b) Ethane linked immunosorbent assay
c) Ether linked immunosorbent assay
d) Enzyme linked immune sorbent assay
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Answer: d
Explanation: ELISA can be expanded as enzyme linked immunosorbent assay. ELISA is used to diagnose AIDS. Normally a colored product is obtained, which can be monitored using a spectrophotometer.

11. What are fundamental basis of life and determine the properties life forms and are defined segments of DNA?
a) Genes
b) Nucleus
c) Mitochondrion
d) RNA
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Answer: a
Explanation: Genes are the fundamental basis of life. They determine the properties of life forms. They are the segments of DNA.

12. Recombinant DNA technology can also be termed as ________
a) Genetic engineering
b) Sterilization
c) Microbiology
d) Bioinformatics
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Answer: a
Explanation: recombinant DNA technology can also be termed as genetic engineering. It can also be termed as gene cloning. It involves changing the genetic makeup of organisms.

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