Basic Biotechnology Questions and Answers – Genetics – Protoplast and Cell Fusion Technologies

This set of Basic Biotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Genetics – Protoplast and Cell Fusion Technologies”.

1. A strain is generally grown in a large production vessel called ____________
a) Production vessel
b) Ordinary vessel
c) Incubator
d) Bioreactor
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Answer: d
Explanation: A strain is generally grown in a large production vessel called bioreactors. Bioreactors are used as fermentation vessels. Chances for genetic changes is very high in a bioreactor.

2. Fundamental studies of genetics of a microorganism contributes in selection of __________
a) Industrial strain
b) Bioreactor
c) Feed stock
d) Feed sterilizer
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fundamental studies of genetics of microorganisms is important. It provides background to experimental solution of industrial problems. It contributes to industrial strain selection.

3. Two new ways of manipulating DNA are _______
a) Protoplast and cell fusion
b) RNA and DNA fusion
c) DNA and DNA fusion
d) RNA and RNA fusion
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Answer: a
Explanation: Industrial genetics now depends on two new ways of manipulations. These are to manipulate the DNA. They are protoplast and cell fusion techniques.

4. What gives shape to the plant or microbial cells?
a) Exoskeleton
b) Cytoplasm
c) Nucleus
d) Nuclear membrane
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Answer: a
Explanation: Plant and most microbial cells are characterized by a distinct outer wall. This wall is called as the exoskeleton. It gives shape to the cell.

5. What enzymes can be used to remove the cell wall?
a) Primase
b) Hydrolytic enzymes
c) RNase
d) Ligase
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Answer: b
Explanation: Hydrolytic enzymes can be used to remove the cell walls. This release spherical membrane bound structures. Cell wall or exoskeleton gives shape to the cell.

6. Protoplasts are extremely fragile.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Protoplasts are spherical membrane bond structures. These are cells from which cell walls are removed. These are extremely fragile.

7. Protoplasts cannot propagate themselves.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Protoplasts cannot propagate themselves. It is because they require a cell wall for regaining reproductive capacity. So, they will first require to regenerate a cell wall.

8. Protoplasts cannot be obtained from which of the following?

a) Plant cells
b) Bacterial cells
c) Fungal or yeast cells
d) Viruses
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Answer: d
Explanation: Protoplasts can be obtained routinely from various cell types. These are generally plant, bacterial of fungal cells. But viruses are not even considered living unless inside the host, so they are not used.

9. Range of protoplast fusion is severely limited because of need of which compatibility between concerned strains?
a) DNA compatibility
b) Protein compatibility
c) Amino acid compatibility
d) Ammonia compatibility
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Answer: a
Explanation: Range of protoplast fusion is severely limited. It is because of need of DNA compatibility. The two concerned strains must have compatible DNA.

10. Which cells in the bodies of vertebrates have the ability to secrete antibodies?
a) B-lymphocytes
b) Somatic cells
c) RBC
d) Neurons
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Answer: a
Explanation: B lymphocytes in the body of vertebrates can secrete antibodies. Antibodies can inactivate contaminating molecules. These foreign molecules are the antigens.

11. What is the molecular shape of the antibody?
a) Y shaped
b) Jellybean shaped
c) U shaped
d) N shaped
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Answer: a
Explanation: Antibody has y shaped molecular structure. It uses one part of the structure to bind to the invading antigens. Other part triggers body response to eliminate the antigen/antibody complex.

12. Up to how much antibodies can mammalian species generate?
a) 100 million
b) 1 million
c) 2000
d) 1000
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is calculated the mammalian species can generate up to 100 million antibodies. This is to ensure the most foreign antigens are eliminated. As, the foreign antigen will be bound to at least one antibody.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Basic Biotechnology.

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