Pigpen Cipher Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs)

This set of Data Structures & Algorithms Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Pigpen Cipher”.

1. Which of the following cipher replaces letters with symbols?
a) polybius square ciper
b) affine cipher
c) caesar cipher
d) pigpen cipher
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pigpen cipher encrypts the plain text by replacing each letter with a corresponding symbol. Pigpen cipher is an example of geometric substitution cipher.

2. Which of the following is not an alternative name of pigpen cipher?
a) pen cipher
b) freemason’s cipher
c) napoleon cipher
d) tic-tac-toe cipher
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pigpen cipher is also known by the names like:- freemason’s cipher, napoleon cipher, tic-tac-toe cipher, masonic cipher. It is a cipher which is believed to be used by freemasons in the 18th century.

3. Which of the following cipher was used by freemasons?
a) Vigenere cipher
b) Autokey cipher
c) Pigpen cipher
d) Hill cipher
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pigpen cipher is believed to be used by freemasons in the 18th century. Pigpen cipher is an example of geometric substitution cipher.

4. Choose the weakest cipher from the following?
a) vigenere cipher
b) rail fence cipher
c) hill cipher
d) pigpen cipher
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pigpen cipher is the weakest cipher out of the given options. This is because it is a simple geometric substitution cipher so can be easily cracked using frequency analysis.

5. Which of the following is not a poly alphabetic substitution cipher?
a) vigenere cipher
b) one time pad cipher
c) play fair cipher
d) pigpen cipher
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pigpen cipher is the only non poly alphabetic substitution cipher out of the given options. It is an example of geometric substitution cipher.

6. Pigpen cipher is an example of?
a) Mono alphabetic substitution cipher
b) Transposition cipher
c) Poly alphabetic substitution cipher
d) Geometric substitution cipher
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pigpen cipher encrypts the plain text by replacing each letter with a corresponding symbol. Pigpen cipher is an example of geometric substitution cipher.

7. Pigpen cipher is less secure than a vigenere cipher.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vigenere cipher is more secure as compared to pigpen cipher. It is because pigpen cipher is geometric substitution cipher and vigenere cipher is poly alphabetic substitution cipher.

8. Pigpen cipher is not susceptible to frequency analysis.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pigpen cipher is a very weak cipher as it just replaces letters with corresponding symbols. It can be easily broken using frequency analysis.

9. What will be the ciphered text corresponding to plain text “ACT” if pigpen cipher is used for encryption?
a) _| |_ >
b) |_ > |_
c) _| |_<
d) |_< _|
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pigpen cipher replaces letters of the plain text with corresponding symbols. These symbols are fragment of a grid.

10. What will be the plain text corresponding to ciphered text “|_ _| >” if pigpen cipher is used for encryption?
a) cat
b) hat
c) dog
d) rat
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pigpen cipher replaces letters of the plain text with corresponding symbols. So by using the grid we can replace these symbols by their corresponding letters which are “cat” here.

11. What is common between affine cipher and pigpen cipher.
a) both are mono alphabetic substitution cipher
b) both are poly alphabetic substitution cipher
c) both can be cracked using frequency analysis
d) both are transposition cipher
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both affine cipher and pigpen cipher can be broken using frequency analysis. Pigpen cipher is an example of geometric substitution cipher.

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