This set of Data Structures & Algorithms Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Kruskal’s Algorithm”.
1. Kruskal’s algorithm is used to ______
a) find minimum spanning tree
b) find single source shortest path
c) find all pair shortest path algorithm
d) traverse the graph
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Explanation: The Kruskal’s algorithm is used to find the minimum spanning tree of the connected graph. It construct the MST by finding the edge having the least possible weight that connects two trees in the forest.
2. Kruskal’s algorithm is a ______
a) divide and conquer algorithm
b) dynamic programming algorithm
c) greedy algorithm
d) approximation algorithm
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Explanation: Kruskal’s algorithm uses a greedy algorithm approach to find the MST of the connected weighted graph. In the greedy method, we attempt to find an optimal solution in stages.
3. Consider the given graph.
What is the weight of the minimum spanning tree using the Kruskal’s algorithm?
a) 24
b) 23
c) 15
d) 19
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Explanation: Kruskal’s algorithm constructs the minimum spanning tree by constructing by adding the edges to spanning tree one-one by one. The MST for the given graph is,
So, the weight of the MST is 19.
4. What is the time complexity of Kruskal’s algorithm?
a) O(log V)
b) O(E log V)
c) O(E2)
d) O(V log E)
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Explanation: Kruskal’s algorithm involves sorting of the edges, which takes O(E logE) time, where E is a number of edges in graph and V is the number of vertices. After sorting, all edges are iterated and union-find algorithm is applied. union-find algorithm requires O(logV) time. So, overall Kruskal’s algorithm requires O(E log V) time.
5. Consider the following graph. Using Kruskal’s algorithm, which edge will be selected first?
a) GF
b) DE
c) BE
d) BG
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Explanation: In Krsuskal’s algorithm the edges are selected and added to the spanning tree in increasing order of their weights. Therefore, the first edge selected will be the minimal one. So, correct option is BE.
6. Which of the following edges form minimum spanning tree on the graph using kruskals algorithm?
a) (B-E)(G-E)(E-F)(D-F)
b) (B-E)(G-E)(E-F)(B-G)(D-F)
c) (B-E)(G-E)(E-F)(D-E)
d) (B-E)(G-E)(E-F)(D-F)(D-G)
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Explanation: Using Krushkal’s algorithm on the given graph, the generated minimum spanning tree is shown below.
So, the edges in the MST are, (B-E)(G-E)(E-F)(D-F).
7. Which of the following is true?
a) Prim’s algorithm can also be used for disconnected graphs
b) Kruskal’s algorithm can also run on the disconnected graphs
c) Prim’s algorithm is simpler than Kruskal’s algorithm
d) In Kruskal’s sort edges are added to MST in decreasing order of their weights
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Explanation: Prim’s algorithm iterates from one node to another, so it can not be applied for disconnected graph. Kruskal’s algorithm can be applied to the disconnected graphs to construct the minimum cost forest. Kruskal’s algorithm is comparatively easier and simpler than prim’s algorithm.
8. Which of the following is false about the Kruskal’s algorithm?
a) It is a greedy algorithm
b) It constructs MST by selecting edges in increasing order of their weights
c) It can accept cycles in the MST
d) It uses union-find data structure
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Explanation: Kruskal’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm to construct the MST of the given graph. It constructs the MST by selecting edges in increasing order of their weights and rejects an edge if it may form the cycle. So, using Kruskal’s algorithm is never formed.
9. Kruskal’s algorithm is best suited for the dense graphs than the prim’s algorithm.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Prim’s algorithm outperforms the Kruskal’s algorithm in case of the dense graphs. It is significantly faster if graph has more edges than the Kruskal’s algorithm.
10. Consider the following statements.
S1. Kruskal’s algorithm might produce a non-minimal spanning tree.
S2. Kruskal’s algorithm can efficiently implemented using the disjoint-set data structure.
a) S1 is true but S2 is false
b) Both S1 and S2 are false
c) Both S1 and S2 are true
d) S2 is true but S1 is false
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Explanation: In Kruskal’s algorithm, the disjoint-set data structure efficiently identifies the components containing a vertex and adds the new edges. And Kruskal’s algorithm always finds the MST for the connected graph.
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