Eight Queens Problem Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs)

This set of Data Structures & Algorithms Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Eight Queens Problem”.

1. Who published the eight queens puzzle?
a) Max Bezzel
b) Carl
c) Gauss
d) Friedrich
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Answer: a
Explanation: The first Eight Queen Puzzle was published by Max Friedrich William Bezzel, who was a chess composer by profession in 1848. He was a German chess composer and the first person to publish the puzzle.

2. When was the Eight Queen Puzzle published?
a) 1846
b) 1847
c) 1848
d) 1849
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Answer: c
Explanation: The first Eight Queen Puzzle was published by Max Friedrich William Bezzel, who was a German chess composer by profession. He published the puzzle in 1848.

3. Who published the first solution of the eight queens puzzle?
a) Franz Nauck
b) Max Bezzel
c) Carl
d) Friedrich
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Answer: a
Explanation: The first solution to the Eight Queen Puzzle was given by Franz Nauck in 1850. While the first Eight Queen Puzzle was published by Max Friedrich William Bezzel, who was a German chess composer.

4. When was the first solution to Eight Queen Puzzle published?
a) 1850
b) 1847
c) 1848
d) 1849
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Answer: a
Explanation: The first solution to the Eight Queen Puzzle was given by Franz Nauck in 1850. Max Friedrich William Bezzel, who was a German chess composer by profession published the puzzle in 1848.

5. Who published the extended version of eight queens puzzle?
a) Franz Nauck
b) Max Bezzel
c) Carl
d) Friedrich
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Answer: a
Explanation: The first extended version to the Eight Queen Puzzle was given by Franz Nauck in 1850. Max Friedrich William Bezzel published the puzzle in 1848.

6. For how many queens was the extended version of Eight Queen Puzzle applicable for n*n squares?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 8
d) n
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Answer: d
Explanation: The extended version given by Franz Nauck of the Eight Queen Puzzle was for n queens on n*n square chessboard. Earlier the puzzle was proposed with 8 queens on 8*8 board.

7. Who was the first person to find the solution of Eight Queen Puzzle using determinant?
a) Max Bezzel
b) Frank Nauck
c) Gunther
d) Friedrich
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Answer: c
Explanation: S. Gunther was the first person to propose a solution to the eight queen puzzle using determinant. Max Friedrich William Bezzel published the puzzle and the first solution to the Eight Queen Puzzle was given by Franz Nauck.

8. Who proposed the depth first backtracking algorithm?
a) Edsger Dijkshtra
b) Max Bezzel
c) Frank Nauck
d) Carl Friedrich
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Answer: a
Explanation: In 1972, depth first backtracking algorithm was proposed by Edsger Dijkshtra to illustrate the Eight Queen Puzzle. Max Friedrich William Bezzel published the puzzle and the first solution to the Eight Queen Puzzle was given by Franz Nauck.

9. How many solutions are there for 8 queens on 8*8 board?
a) 12
b) 91
c) 92
d) 93
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Answer: c
Explanation: For 8*8 chess board with 8 queens there are total of 92 solutions for the puzzle. There are total of 12 fundamental solutions to the eight queen puzzle.

10. Who publish the bitwise operation method to solve the eight queen puzzle?
a) Zongyan Qiu
b) Martin Richard
c) Max Bezzel
d) Frank Nauck
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Answer: a
Explanation: The first person to publish the bitwise operation method to solve the eight queen puzzle was Zongyan Qiu. After him, it was published by Martin Richard.

11. How many fundamental solutions are there for the eight queen puzzle?
a) 92
b) 10
c) 11
d) 12
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Answer: d
Explanation: There are total of 12 fundamental solutions to the eight queen puzzle after removing the symmetrical solutions due to rotation. For 8*8 chess board with 8 queens there are total of 92 solutions for the puzzle.

12. Is it possible to have no four queens in a straight line as the part of one of the solution to the eight queen puzzle.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: No three queens lie in a straight line in one of the fundamental solution of the eight queen puzzle.

13. How many fundamental solutions are the for 3 queens on a 3*3 board?
a) 1
b) 12
c) 3
d) 0
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Answer: d
Explanation: There are in total zero solution to the 3 queen puzzle for 3*3 chess board. Hence there are no fundamental solutions. For 8*8 chess board with 8 queens there are total of 12 fundamental solutions for the puzzle.

14. The six queen puzzle has a fewer solution than the five queen puzzle.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are total 4 solutions for the six queen puzzle and one fundamental solution while there are total of 10 solutions for 5 queen puzzle and 2 fundamental solutions.

15. Which ordered board is the highest enumerated board till now?
a) 25*25
b) 26*26
c) 27*27
d) 28*28
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Answer: c
Explanation: The 27*27 board has the highest order board with total 234,907,967,154,122,528 solutions. It also has total of 29,363,495,934,315,694 fundamental solution.

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