This set of Engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Works of Streams and Rivers – 02”.
1. The variously shaped depressions of different dimensions that are developed in the riverbed are called __________
a) Potholes
b) Cavities
c) Dents
d) Craters
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Explanation: Potholes are variously shaped depressions of different dimensions that are developed in the riverbed by excessive localized erosion by the streams.
2. Every major river is associated with a valley of its own.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: A valley may be defined as a low land surrounded on sides by inclined hill slopes and mountains. Every major river is associated with a valley of its own.
3. Magnificent jumps made by a stream or river water at certain specific parts of their course where there is a sudden and considerable drop in the gradient of the channel are called __________
a) Streams
b) Hydraulic jumps
c) Waterfalls
d) Knick-jumps
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Explanation: Waterfalls are magnificent jumps made by a stream or river water at certain specific parts of their course where there is a sudden and considerable drop in the gradient of the channel.
4. The most common type of flood plains are __________
a) Flat flood plains
b) Simple flood plains
c) Compound flood plains
d) Complex flood plains
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Explanation: Convex flood plains are the most common type and are associated with many major rivers of the world.
5. Alluvial deposits of roughly triangular shape that are deposited by major rivers at their mouths are called __________
a) Deltas
b) Backwaters
c) Lakes
d) Streams
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Explanation: Deltas are defined as alluvial deposits of roughly triangular shape that are deposited by major rivers at their mouths, i.e., where they enter a sea.
6. A typical delta is made of how many layers?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 4
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Explanation: A typical simple delta is commonly made of three layers of which only the top layer may be sub aerial, that is exposed on the surface.
7. The fore-set beds are intermediate layers.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The fore-sets are the intermediate layers and often show very steep inclination. The fore-set beds are made up of thick layers of sand and clay.
8. The condition not favouring the formation of delta is __________
a) Absence of strong sea currents
b) Presence of good quality of load
c) Slope of seashore where the stream enters must be gentle
d) Presence of strong sea currents
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Explanation: Three conditions necessary for the formation and growth of a delta are: absence of any strong sea currents; presence of good quality of load in the stream and the slope of seashore where the stream enters the seawater must necessarily be quite gentle and wide.
9. Places of steep drops in elevation in the course of a river are called __________
a) Depressions
b) Cavities
c) Knickpoints
d) Nickopoints
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Explanation: Kickpoints are actually places of steep drops in elevation in the course of a river. These are very often caused due to presence of rocks of unequal hardness at those places.
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