Engineering Geology Questions and Answers – Quake Resistant Buildings

This set of Engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Quake Resistant Buildings”.

1. Structures built on which land have to withstand greater risk during earthquakes?
a) Solid mass
b) Loose soil
c) Strong rocks
d) Unfractured mass
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Answer: b
Explanation: Structures built on loose soil or sediments or weak rocks will have to withstand greater risk compared to those founded on solid bed rocks in the same region, other things being the same.

2. What do the rocks undergo during seismic shocks?
a) Tension
b) Expansion
c) Strengthening
d) Compaction
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Answer: d
Explanation: Structures built on loose soil are more risky, due to the fact that soil particles undergo a lot of compaction during seismic shocks thereby causing settlement.

3. What should be the type of foundation for concrete and masonry buildings?
a) Continuous
b) Discontinuous
c) Shallow foundation
d) Isolated
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Answer: a
Explanation: Foundations for concrete and masonry buildings should be excavated to the same level throughout the building, and should be, as far as possible of continuous type.

4. What is the characteristic of walls for quake resistant buildings?
a) Heavy weight
b) As thick as possible
c) Light weight
d) Acoustic
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Answer: c
Explanation: The walls should be unless properly designed for resisting lateral forces, as light in weight as possible and made up of wood or light weight concrete.

5. What should be maintained in cross walls?
a) Continuity
b) Discontinuity
c) Intersections
d) Gaps
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Answer: a
Explanation: Continuity of crosswalls should be maintained as far as possible and in such a way that different parts of the building behave as integrals of the same structure and not at random.
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6. Stronger and resistant walls should be designed with plain concrete.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Stronger and resistant walls should be designed with reinforced rather than plain concrete.

7. Which type of roofs gives better resistance against shocks?
a) Sloped roofs
b) Thached roofs
c) Flat roofs
d) Straw roofs
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Answer: c
Explanation: Flat, RCC roofs give better resistance against shocks compared to the sloping roofs or those designed with different slope angles.

8. Which of the following need not be avoided for construction of quake resistant buildings?
a) Uniform height
b) Chimneys
c) Heavy weight walls
d) Discontinuous foundations
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Answer: a
Explanation: As far as possible, uniform height should be given to the structure. The rest of the options have to be avoided as much as possible, as they are risky for the construction of quake resistant buildings.

9. A dam is subjected to simpler system of forces during an earthquake compared to the other buildings.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: A dam is subject to a more complex system of forces during an earthquake compared to a multi-storeyed building. The risk factor has to be of a higher order.

10. In a storage dam, how many forces have to be considered?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
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Answer: b
Explanation: In a storage dam, two types of forces have to be considered: Force due to dam and forces due to reservoir water.

11. To avoid shearing, dam has to be placed as far as possible from __________
a) Joints
b) Folds
c) Intrusions
d) Faults
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Answer: d
Explanation: For avoiding failure due to shear, the proximity of a fault must be clearly ascertained. These should be placed as far away from faults as possible.

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