Engineering Geology Questions and Answers – Tunnels and Their Types

This set of Engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Tunnels and Their Types”.

1. The underground routes or passages driven through the ground without disturbing overlying soil cover are called __________
a) Bridges
b) Passages
c) Tunnels
d) Sub-routes
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Answer: c
Explanation: Tunnels may be defined as underground routes or passages driven through the ground without disturbing the overlying soil or rock cover. Tunnels are driven for a variety of purposes.

2. Type of tunnels which are excavated to divert the traffic load of whatsoever type from surface to subsurface routes.
a) Traffic tunnels
b) Hydropower tunnels
c) Public utility tunnels
d) Delivery tunnels
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Answer: a
Explanation: The traffic tunnels include all tunnels which are excavated to divert the traffic load of whatsoever type from surface to subsurface routes for a short length with a view of facilitating the flow of traffic at a desired speed, maximum convenience and at minimum cost.

3. Pick the tunnel which is not a sub-group of traffic tunnels.
a) Railway tunnels
b) Sewage tunnels
c) Highway tunnels
d) Pedestrian tunnels
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Answer: b
Explanation: The railway tunnels, the highway tunnels and the pedestrian tunnels are the main sub-groups of traffic tunnels. A few navigational tunnels also fall under this category.

4. Tunnels associated with hydropower generation are called __________
a) Energy tunnels
b) Power tunnels
c) Generation tunnels
d) Hydropower tunnels
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Answer: d
Explanation: During twentieth century most of the tunnelling has been in connection with hydropower generation. Such tunnels are aptly called “hydropower” tunnels.

5. Type of hydropower tunnel where water is conveyed under gravity is __________
a) Discharge tunnel
b) Pressure tunnel
c) Supply tunnel
d) Delivery tunnel
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Answer: a
Explanation: In most cases hydropower tunnels are driven through rocks for the purpose of conveying water under gravity from one point to another. In such cases, they are called discharge tunnels.
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6. Type of hydropower tunnel where water is conveyed under high pressure to turbines is __________
a) Discharge tunnel
b) Pressure tunnel
c) Supply tunnel
d) Delivery tunnel
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Answer: b
Explanation: The other type of hydropower tunnels are those which feed water under great pressure to turbines and are distinguished as pressure tunnels.

7. Underground excavations for carrying pipes, sewage etc. fall under which type?
a) Traffic tunnels
b) Hydropower tunnels
c) Public utility tunnels
d) Delivery tunnels
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Answer: c
Explanation: Public utility tunnels include a variety of underground excavations made for specific purposes such as for disposal of urban waste (sewage tunnels), for carrying pipes, cables and supplies of oil, water etc.

8. Subway and tube railways are studied under which type of tunnels?
a) Traffic tunnels
b) Hydropower tunnels
c) Public utility tunnels
d) Delivery tunnels
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Answer: c
Explanation: Subways and tube railways also fall in the category of excavations but they are, in most cases, not tunnels in the strict sense because they are excavations made in the ground and then covered from the top.

9. Method of placing tubes in public utility tunnels is called __________
a) Covering method
b) Digging method
c) Slash and cover method
d) Cut and cover method
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Answer: d
Explanation: The method of placing the tubes or tracks is called cut and cover method and not tunnelling in which, top cover remains undisturbed and intact during the excavation.

10. Geologically, how many classes of tunnels are recognized?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 5
d) 4
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Answer: a
Explanation: Geologically speaking, only two classes of tunnels are recognized: tunnels driven through rocks (rock tunnelling) and tunnels driven through soil, loose sediments or saturated ground (soft-ground tunnelling).

11. Traffic tunnels are always constructed for kilometres.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Traffic tunnels may vary in length from a few meters to many kilometres and have been excavated in almost all major countries of the world.

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