Engineering Geology Questions and Answers – Types of Dams – 01

This set of Engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Types of Dams – 01”.

1. A solid barrier constructed at a suitable location across a river valley to impound water is called __________
a) Reservoir
b) Dam
c) Bridge
d) Retaining wall
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Answer: b
Explanation: A dam may be defined as a solid barrier constructed at a suitable location across a river valley with a view of impounding water flowing through that river.

2. Which among the following is not an objective for the construction of the dam?
a) To make sure rains occur periodically
b) Generation of hydropower energy
c) Providing water supply for domestic and industrial purposes
d) Providing irrigational facilities
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dams are constructed for achieving any one or more of the following objectives: generation of hydropower energy; providing water for irrigation facilities; providing water supply for domestic and industrial purposes; fighting droughts and controlling of floods; providing navigational facilities.

3. The criteria to classify a dam as a large dam is __________
a) Length of the crest of the dam lesser than 500 m
b) Capacity of the reservoir less than 1 million cubic meters
c) Maximum flood discharge less than 2000 cubic meters/second
d) Capacity of the reservoir not less than 1 million cubic meters
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Answer: d
Explanation: Following conditions are necessary to classify a dam as large dams: length of the crest of the dam not lesser than 500 m; capacity of the reservoir not less than 1 million cubic meters; maximum flood discharge not less than 2000 cubic meters/second.

4. Which state in India has the most number of large dams?
a) Karnataka
b) Orissa
c) Maharashtra
d) Madhya Pradesh
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Answer: c
Explanation: The greatest number of large dams are in Maharashtra (1508), followed by Madhya Pradesh (752); Gujarat (365), Karnataka (213), Orissa (149), Rajasthan (128) and Uttar Pradesh have a single large dam till the twentieth century.

5. Which is the longest dam in India?
a) Hirakud dam
b) Bhakra dam
c) Krishnarajasagar dam
d) Nagarjun sagar dam
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Answer: a
Explanation: The longest dam is the Hirakud dam having a height of 59 m and length of about 5 km and built across Mahanadi in Orissa.
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6. Which is the tallest dam in India?
a) Hirakud dam
b) Bhakra dam
c) Krishnarajasagar dam
d) Nagarjun sagar dam
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Answer: b
Explanation: The tallest in India is the Bhakra dam with a height of 226 m and length at the crest of 518 m, located in Himachal Pradesh.

7. Which type of dam usually has a triangular profile and can resist the forces by its own weight?
a) Gravity dam
b) Arch dam
c) Geotechnical dam
d) Embankment dam
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Answer: a
Explanation: A gravity dam is a solid masonry or concrete structure, generally of a triangular profile, which is so designed that it can safely stand against a pre-calculated volume of water by virtue of its own weight.

8. What is very critical about gravity dams?
a) Strength of the concrete used
b) Strength of the masonry used
c) Strength of the rock foundation
d) The type of water stored in the reservoir
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Answer: c
Explanation: All the forces arising in a gravity dam as due to the thrust of the impounded water and the massive weight of the dam material- are assumed to be directly transmitted to the foundation rocks. Hence the strength of the foundation rocks is the most critical factor.

9. The upstream face of a gravity dam is always vertical.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The upstream face in a gravity dam may be vertical or inclined. Similarly, the axis of the dam may be straight or curvature may be induced in the design of the dam.

10. Type of dam where the forces acting on the dam are transmitted onto the abutment rocks is __________
a) Gravity dam
b) Arch dam
c) Geotechnical dam
d) Embankment dam
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Answer: b
Explanation: An arch dam, as the name implies, is an arch-shaped solid structure mostly of concrete, which is designed in such a way that a major part of the thrust forces acting on the dam are transmitted mainly by the arc action, on to the abutment rocks.

11. Which type of dam cannot be constructed even on the rock foundations which are not sufficiently strong enough?
a) Gravity dam
b) Arch dam
c) Geotechnical dam
d) Embankment dam
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Answer: a
Explanation: Both the arch dams and the embankment dams can be constructed on the rock foundations which sufficiently strong enough, whereas, the gravity dams are constructed only on strong rock foundations.

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