This set of Chemical Process Calculation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Material Balance without Reaction-IV”.
1. Distillation is a separating process based on __________ of liquid mixture.
a) Vaporizing
b) Condensation
c) Freezing
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation:. Distillation is a separating process based on Vaporizing of liquid mixture.
2. What is the amount of product for the given distillation column?
1000 Kg of feed is given to the column and the efficiency of the column is 10%.
a) 10 Kg
b) 100 Kg
c) 1000 Kg
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Product in Kg = 1000*0.1 = 100 Kg.
3. What is amount of CH3OH in the feed for the given distillation column?
1000 Kg of feed is given to the column and the efficiency of the column is 10%.
a) 200 Kg
b) 400 Kg
c) 600 Kg
d) 800 Kg
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Explanation: CH3OH in the feed = 1000*0.2 = 200 Kg.
4. What is amount of H2O in the feed for the given distillation column?
1000 Kg of feed is given to the column and the efficiency of the column is 10%.
a) 200 Kg
b) 400 Kg
c) 600 Kg
d) 800 Kg
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Explanation: H2O in the feed = 1000*0.8 = 800 Kg.
5. What is amount of CH3OH in the product for the given distillation column?
1000 Kg of feed is given to the column and the efficiency of the column is 10%.
a) 25 Kg
b) 50 Kg
c) 75 Kg
d) 100 Kg
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Explanation: CH3OH in the product = 100*0.5 = 500 Kg.
6. What is amount of H2O in the product for the given distillation column?
1000 Kg of feed is given to the column and the efficiency of the column is 10%.
a) 25 Kg
b) 50 Kg
c) 75 Kg
d) 100 Kg
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Explanation: H2O in the product = 0.10×1000kg = 100kg.
7. What is amount of CH3OH in the waste for the given distillation column?
1000 Kg of feed is given to the column and the efficiency of the column is 10%.
a) 150 Kg
b) 250 Kg
c) 450 Kg
d) 750 Kg
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Explanation: Waste = Product – Feed.
8. What is amount of H2O in the waste for the given distillation column?
1000 Kg of feed is given to the column and the efficiency of the column is 10%.
a) 150 Kg
b) 250 Kg
c) 900 Kg
d) 750 Kg
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Explanation: Amount of H2O in the waste = 0.90×1000kg = 900kg
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Chemical Process Calculation.
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