This set of Chemical Process Calculation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ideal gas Mixture”.
1. For a mixture of 25 moles of NO3 and a total pressure of 100 atm, what is the partial pressure of NO3?
a) 20 atm
b) 40 atm
c) 60 atm
d) 80 atm
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Explanation: Partial pressure is calculated as Pi = Xi × Ptotal, where Xi is the mole fraction of NO3. In this case, XNO3 = 25 / (25 + 100) = 0.2, so PNO3 = 0.2 × 100 = 20 atm.
2. For a mixture of 100 moles of SO2 and a total pressure of 100 atm, what is the partial pressure of SO2?
a) 20 atm
b) 40 atm
c) 60 atm
d) 80 atm
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Explanation: Partial pressure is calculated as Pi = Xi × Ptotal, where Xi is the mole fraction of SO2. Here, XSO2 = 100 / (25 + 100) = 0.8, so PSO2 = 0.8 × 100 = 80 atm.
3. “The pressure that would be exerted by a single component in a gaseous mixture if it is existed alone in the same volume as occupied by the mixture and at the same temperature as the mixture”” is known as
a) Absolute pressure
b) Partial pressure
c) Total pressure of a gas mixture
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Pressure exerted by a single component in a gaseous mixture if it is existed alone in the same volume is partial pressure.
4. In an ideal gas mixture with a total pressure of 560 mm Hg, the gas composition includes 15% O2. What is the partial pressure of O2?
a) 84
b) 140
c) 336
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Partial pressure = Total pressure*Mole fraction.
5. In an ideal gas mixture with a total pressure of 560 mm Hg, the gas composition includes 25% CO2. What is the partial pressure of CO2?
a) 84
b) 140
c) 336
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Partial pressure = Total pressure*Mole fraction.
6. In an ideal gas mixture with a total pressure of 560 mm Hg, the gas composition includes 60% N2. What is the partial pressure of N2?
a) 84
b) 140
c) 336
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Partial pressure = Total pressure*Mole fraction.
7. Volume occupied by a single gas alone of a mixture at the same temperature and pressure of the mixture is called
a) Absolute volume
b) Partial volume
c) Total volume of a gas mixture
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Volume occupied by a single gas alone of a mixture at the same temperature and pressure of the mixture is Partial volume.
8. The sum of the partial pressures of the components of a gas mixture`s is
a) Total absolute pressure
b) Total pressure exerted by a component of a gas
c) Total pressure of a gas mixture
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: The sum of the partial pressures of the components of a gas mixture`s is Total pressure of a gas mixture.
9. In an ideal gas mixture containing 5 moles of N2 and 15 moles of O2 at a total pressure of 40 atm, what is the partial pressure exerted by N2?
a) 10 atm
b) 20 atm
c) 30 atm
d) 40 atm
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Explanation: Partial pressure = Total pressure*Mole fraction.
10. In an ideal gas mixture containing 5 moles of N2 and 15 moles of O2 at a total pressure of 40 atm, what is the partial pressure exerted by O2?
a) 10 atm
b) 20 atm
c) 30 atm
d) 40 atm
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Explanation: Partial pressure = Total pressure*Mole fraction.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Chemical Process Calculation.
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