Chemical Process Calculation Questions and Answers – Material Balances -VI

This set of Chemical Process Calculation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Material Balances-VI”.

1. In a process, CO2 and water is given as feed and the mass fraction is 0.25 and 0.75 respectively. The feed stream is 5 Kg/s and the product stream is 10 Kg/sec. What is the feed stream of CO2 in Kg/s?
a) 0.25
b) 0.50
c) 1.25
d) 1.50
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Answer: c
Explanation: Mass fraction = Mass of the component/ / Total mass.

2. In a process, CO2 and water is given as feed and the mass fraction is 0.25 and 0.75 respectively. The feed stream is 5 Kg/s and the product stream is 10 Kg/sec. What is the feed stream of H2O?
a) 1.75 Kg/s
b) 2.75 Kg/s
c) 3.75 Kg/s
d) 4.75 Kg/s
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Answer: c
Explanation: Mass fraction = Mass of the component/ / Total mass.

3. In a process, CO2 and water is given as feed and the mass fraction is 0.25 and 0.75 respectively. The feed stream is 5 Kg/s and the product stream is 10 Kg/sec. What is the product stream of CO2?
a) 1.25 Kg/s
b) 2.50 Kg/s
c) 3.75 Kg/s
d) 5.00 Kg/s
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mass fraction will be constant for product stream as well.

4. In a process, CO2 and water is given as feed and the mass fraction is 0.25 and 0.75 respectively. The feed stream is 5 Kg/s and the product stream is 10 Kg/sec. What is the product stream of H2O?
a) 2.5
b) 3.5
c) 7.5
d) 10.5
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Answer: c
Explanation: Mass fraction will be constant for product stream as well.

5. The objective of material balance is to assess the
a) Input-output
b) Conversion efficiency
c) Losses
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Material balance give an access to all these things (a, b, c).

6. If feed of 100 tonnes per hour at 5% concentration is fed to a crystallizer, the product obtained at 25% concentration is equal to ___________tonnes per hour.
a) 20
b) 25
c) 35
d) 40
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mass balance for the feed.

7. In a process, two feed A(400Kg) and B(400 Kg) is given. If the conversion is 50% and A & B converts in equal proportion, what is the weight of the product formed?
a) 200 Kg
b) 400 Kg
c) 600 Kg
d) 800 Kg
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Answer: b
Explanation: Product = (400*.05 + 400*0.5).

8. For a given system, Accumulation = Generation – Consumption, where both the terms are distinct and non-zero, then the system is
a) Steady-state
b) Closed
c) Non-reactive
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: There is no mention of input and output so it is a closed system.

9. For a given system, Accumulation = Input – Output, where both the terms are distinct and non-zero, then the system
a) Steady-state
b) Closed
c) Non-reactive
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: There is no mention of generation and consumption so it is a non-reactive system.

10. In a steady-state reactive system, 10 molar CH4 and 10 molar O2 are supplied to the system, what is the amount of CO2 produced?
a) 2.5 molar
b) 5 molar
c) 7.5 molar
d) 10 molar
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Answer: d
Explanation: 1 mole of CO2 = 1 mole of O2 = 1 mole of CH4.

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