Chemical Process Calculation Questions and Answers – Material Balance without Reaction-I

This set of Chemical Process Calculation Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Material Balance without Reaction-I”.

1-2. A membrane is used for separation of gases from waste. If the feed stream contains 20% CO2 and 80% SO2 and the product contains 25% CO2 and 75% SO2. Assume that the waste stream amounts to 80% of the input stream.
1. What is the composition of CO2 in waste stream?
a) 0.1875
b) 1.1685
c) 0.1485
d) 0.1285
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mole balances for both the gases.

2. What is the composition of SO2 in waste stream?
a) 0.8175
b) 0.8165
c) 0.8145
d) 0.8125
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mole balances for both the gases.

3. Below given statements for distillation is
In distillation, a liquid mixture is boiled to produce a vapour of different composition that moves away from the liquid.
a) True
b) False
c) Partially correct
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: In distillation, a liquid mixture is boiled to produce a vapour of different composition that moves away from the liquid.

4-5. In a distillation column for a feed of1000 kg the output is 80% of the feed and remaining 20% is waste. The feed contains 20% of Acetone and rest Water. The product contains 20% of Acetone and 40% of Water.
4. How much Acetone is there in waste?
a) 20 kg
b) 40 kg
c) 60 kg
d) 80 kg
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mass balance for each component.

5. Moles of water in waste?
a) 4.45
b) 8.89
c) 16.67
d) 20.48
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mass balance for each component.
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6. Correct statement for a tie component in material balance is
a) Enters a process in only one stream
b) Leaves in only one stream
c) Does not react inside the process
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: A tie component full-fills a, b, c all three conditions.

7-8. For the given drying process, a material (Called SRU) is dried and feed and outputs are as shown in the figure.
Find the Mass balance for each component
7. A, in kg is
a) 1666.67
b) 2666.67
c) 3666.67
d) 4666.67
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mass balance for each component.

8. B, in kg is
a) 666.67
b) 566.67
c) 466.67
d) 366.67
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mass balance for each component.

9-10. A batch of 20% of Acetic acid is prepared by mixing the Acetic acid of two containers A and B. A (400 kg) contains 80% of Acetic acidand B contains 15% of Acetic acid.
9. How much kg of acid is prepared?
a) 5700
b) 7600
c) 8000
d) 9800
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mass balance for each component.

10. How much B in kg is used?
a) 4000
b) 6000
c) 8000
d) 10000
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Answer: c
Explanation: Mass balance for each component.

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