Aerodynamics Questions and Answers – Finite Control Volume Approach

This set of Basic Aerodynamics Questions and Answers focuses on “Finite Control Volume Approach”.

1. Which of the following is most difficult to analyze?
a) solid
b) plasma
c) fluids
d) cannot be determined
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Answer: c
Explanation: Because fluid (liquid and gas) is a “squishy” substance. While the solid body is geometrically well defined and hence its motion can be defined easily. Whereas, in fluids, it is difficult to decide the qualitatively model the motion of the fluid.

2. By the time the vehicle reaches the surface of the earth, the potential and kinetic energy become zero.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: During re-entry, near the outer edge of the atmosphere, the vehicle has a large amount of kinetic energy due to its high velocity and a large amount of potential energy due to its altitude but as it reaches the surface of earth it becomes zero because the kinetic and potential energy is utilized in heating the body and heating the airflow around the body.

3. Which of the following has similar characteristics?
a) solid and liquid
b) liquid and gas
c) solid and gas
d) cannot be determined
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Answer: b
Explanation: When force is applied to liquid and gas, there will be an increasing deformation, proportional to the rate of change of deformation. Also, the molecules in liquid and gas are loosely packed. When filled in a container, they take the shape of that container.

4. Which of the following is a point property?
a) Pressure
b) Mass
c) Density
d) Pressure and density
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Answer: d
Explanation: Both pressure and density vary from one point to another. Pressure and density vary with the altitude and are directly proportional to each other. Pressure and density does depend on a path as they change from one point to other. If one parameter is changed, it affects pressure and density.

5. Which of the following flow is best suited for space shuttle?
a) continuum flow
b) free molecular flow
c) turbulent flow
d) laminar flow
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Answer: b
Explanation: In free molecular flow, the gas molecules are spaced so far apart that collisions with the body surface occur only infrequently and the body surface can feel distinctly each molecular impact which reduces the vibration in the space vehicle.
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6. Which of the following flow is practically impossible in nature?
a) viscous flow
b) inviscid flow
c) laminar flow
d) turbulent flow
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Answer: b
Explanation: The flow without friction, thermal conduction, or diffusion is practically impossible. During any process or flow, the energy losses take place which leads to frictional losses, thermal losses, diffusion and various other losses.

7. In which of the following does the shock wave form?
a) subsonic flow
b) transonic flow
c) supersonic flow
d) incompressible flow
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Answer: c
Explanation: Supersonic flows are characterized by the presence of shock waves across which the flow properties and streamlines change discontinuously. In supersonic flow, the gas can be compressed using shock waves.

8. Continuity equation is one of the most fundamental equations in fluid dynamics.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Continuity equation relates aerodynamic phenomena over a finite region of space without being concerned about the details of precisely what is happening at a given distinct point in the flow.

9. Surface forces includes _________
a) pressure and shear stress
b) point force
c) body force
d) gravity
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pressure force and shear stress acts on the complete surface of the body which means that the surface force acts on the surface and not on a point or the body. Surface forces may act either on external or on an internal surface of the body.

10. System and surrounding are both inter-related things.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Heat and work are forms of energy. During the transfer of heat and work, the system and surrounding lose its energy. Boundary separates system and surrounding. A system is included in the surrounding.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Aerodynamics.

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