Neural Network Questions and Answers – Learning Basics – 1

This set of Neural Networks Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Learning Basics – 1”.

1. Activation models are?
a) dynamic
b) static
c) deterministic
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: Input/output patterns & the activation values may be considered as sample functions of random process.

2. If xb(t) represents differentiation of state x(t), then a stochastic model can be represented by?
a) xb(t)=deterministic model
b) xb(t)=deterministic model + noise component
c) xb(t)=deterministic model*noise component
d) none of the mentioned’
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Answer: b
Explanation: Noise is assumed to be additive in nature in stochastic models.

3. What is equilibrium in neural systems?
a) deviation in present state, when small perturbations occur
b) settlement of network, when small perturbations occur
c) change in state, when small perturbations occur
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Follows from basic definition of equilibrium.

4.What is the condition in Stochastic models, if xb(t) represents differentiation of state x(t)?
a) xb(t)=0
b) xb(t)=1
c) xb(t)=n(t), where n is noise component
d) xb(t)=n(t)+1
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Answer: c
Explanation: xb(t)=0 is condition for deterministic models, so option c is radical choice.

5. What is asynchronous update in a network?
a) update to all units is done at the same time
b) change in state of any one unit drive the whole network
c) change in state of any number of units drive the whole network
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: In asynchronous update, change in state of any one unit drive the whole network.

6. Learning is a?
a) slow process
b) fast process
c) can be slow or fast in general
d) can’t say
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Answer: a
Explanation: Learning is a slow process.

7. What are the requirements of learning laws?
a) convergence of weights
b) learning time should be as small as possible
c) learning should use only local weights
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These all are the some of basic requirements of learning laws.

8. Memory decay affects what kind of memory?
a) short tem memory in general
b) older memory in general
c) can be short term or older
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Memory decay affects short term memory rather than older memories.

9. What are the requirements of learning laws?
a) learning should be able to capture more & more patterns
b) learning should be able to grasp complex nonliear mappings
c) convergence of weights
d) all of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: These all are the some of basic requirements of learning laws.

10. How is pattern information distributed?
a) it is distributed all across the weights
b) it is distributed in localised weights
c) it is distributed in certain proctive weights only
d) none of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: pattern information is highly distributed all across the weights.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Neural Networks.

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