Nanotechnology Questions and Answers – Properties of Fullerene

This set of Nanotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Properties of Fullerene”.

1. Select from the following options one property of fullerene that helps them to serve as drug delivery system.
a) They are powerful antioxidants
b) They have less solubility
c) They can act as carrier
d) They are electron deficient
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Answer: c
Explanation: Fullerenes are inorganic nano particles that are used for the direct delivery of drugs through cell membranes into cells. Fullerenes have hydrophobic core. When attached to hydrophilic moieties, they become water soluble and are capable of carrying genes and drugs for cellular delivery.

2. What diagram is generally used to clarify the 3D structures of closed shell fullerenes?
a) Venn diagram
b) Schlegel diagram
c) Tree diagram
d) Network diagram
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Answer: b
Explanation: Schlegel diagrams are generally used to clarify 3D structures of closed shell fullerenes. A Schlegel diagram is a projection of a polytrope from d-dimensional space into d-1 dimensions through a point just outside of one of the facets.

3. Find out the correct statement from the given options.
a) Fullerenes are cage like molecules
b) Fullerenes are less pure in nature than graphite
c) Fullerenes are chemically inert
d) Fullerenes do not exist with less than 60 carbon atoms
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fullerenes are allotropes of carbon consisting of carbon atoms that are linked by single or double bonds. They form closed or partially closed mesh structures. They exhibit cage like fused ring structures. At present fullerenes are the purest forms of carbon. They are chemically reactive and undergo several reactions. Fullerenes having carbon atoms less than 60 in number are called lower fullerenes. For example – C20.

4. What kind of cycles should a closed fullerene with sphere like shell have?
a) Bicycle or Tricycles
b) Nonagon or Dodecagon
c) Pentagon or Heptagon
d) Triangle or Quadrilateral
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Answer: c
Explanation: A closed fullerene having sphere like shell should have at least some cycles that are heptagon or pentagon or hexagon. For example – C60 fullerene comprises of cycles of pentagon and hexagon.

5. Choose the correctly matched pair from the following options.
a) An open fullerene: Carbon nanotube
b) A closed fullerene: Graphene
c) A closed shell fullerene: Cylindrical polyhedron
d) A closed shell fullerene: Concave polyhedron
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Answer: a
Explanation: Carbon nanotubes and graphene are often considered as open fullerenes. These consist entirely of hexagonal rings. A closed fullerene with sphere like shell has a combinatorial topology of convex polyhedron.

6. Individual buckyballs have very strong intermolecular forces acting between them.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Buckminster fullerene possesses weak intermolecular forces between each fullerene molecule. These forces between the molecules are broken down easily with little energy. Hence fullerenes tend to be soft and slippery.

7. Which of the following properties of fullerene is not of a medical interest?
a) Behaves as radical scavengers
b) Act as powerful antioxidants
c) Easily penetrate cell membranes
d) Quickly damage polymer structures
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fullerenes have found their use in the medical field owing to several features. It behaves as a radical scavenger. It is a strong antioxidant that has the ability to localize within the cell to mitochondria and other cell compartment sites. Here, production of radical takes place in diseased states. Fullerenes can easily penetrate cell membranes. Hence, it has its applications in gene and drug delivery.

8. Why do fullerenes exhibit lubricating property?
a) High melting point
b) Spherical shape
c) Soluble in organic solvents
d) Purest form of carbon
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Answer: b
Explanation: The spherical shape of fullerene is the primary reason behind its lubricating property. Molecules of spherical shapes suggest that they could act as good lubricants since they help reduce friction between microscopically small moving components. Hence, fullerenes are used as lubricant additives.

9. How can the combinatorial topology of a closed shell fullerene be represented?
a) As a convex polyhedron
b) As a concave polyhedron
c) As a cylindrical polyhedron
d) As a circular polyhedron
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Answer: a
Explanation: The combinatorial topology of a closed shell fullerene having a simple sphere like mean surface is represented as a convex polyhedron. To be more precise, it is the one dimensional skeleton with its vertices and edges.

10. Fullerene is not used as a reactant in which of the following reactions?
a) Prato reaction
b) Bingel reaction
c) Diels – Alder reactions
d) Jones oxidation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fullerenes undergo various reactions that include nucleophilic additions, pericyclic reactions, hydrogenations, oxidations etc. Bingel reaction is a type of nucleophilic reaction in which fullerenes act as reactants. Fullerenes react as dienes or dienophiles in Diaels-Alder reaction. Prato reaction is also a well known cycloaddition reaction undergone by fullerene.

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