This set of Nanotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fullerene”.
1. What is the dimensionality of buckyballs?
a) 1D
b) 3D
c) 2D
d) 0D
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Explanation: Buckyballs are spherical structures that do not have any dimensions in which they display translational symmetry. This indicates that they are zero-dimensional (0D). But under high temperature and pressure they can collapse to form 1D, 2D or 3D carbon structures.
2. How many π-bonding electrons are present in a spherical fullerene having n carbon atoms?
a) n+2
b) n-1
c) n
d) n+3
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Explanation: A closed fullerene with spherical shell, having n carbon atoms, possesses n π-bonding electrons. These electrons are free to delocalize. They should try to delocalize over the whole molecule.
3. Which of the following is not a property of fullerene lubricants?
a) Reduces friction and improves wear resistance in ball bearings
b) Cost effective production
c) Molecules cannot withstand high temperature
d) Exhibit consistent tribological performance
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Explanation: Fullerene as a lubricant additive helps to reduce friction and improve weak resistance in ball bearings, pumps, screws, artificial joints etc. These molecules can withstand high temperature and pressure without any chemical or physical damage. They also exhibit consistent tribological performance when embedded in the matrix. Production of these lubricants is also cheap.
4. Which of the following options is the purest allotrope of carbon?
a) Charcoal
b) Diamond
c) Fullerene
d) Graphite
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Explanation: Diamond was the purest form of carbon until fullerenes were discovered. Currently, fullerenes are the purest allotropes of carbon since they do not possess surface bonds, as observed in case of diamonds and graphite, to attract other molecules to react with them.
5. Fullerenes behave as antioxidants.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Fullerenes have gained a lot of attention in the past decade owing to some of its peculiar properties. One of them is its powerful antioxidant nature. This property of fullerene can permit it to effectively neutralize reactive oxygen species (ROS).
6. Which of the following is a feature of fullerene?
a) Highly electron rich aromatic systems
b) Soluble in organic solvents
c) Absence of intermolecular forces between individual buckyballs
d) Soluble in inorganic solvents
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Explanation: Fullerenes are allotropes of carbon that exhibit several properties. They are soluble in organic solvents but their solubility is generally low. They behave as electron deficient alkenes rather than the electron rich aromatic systems. Weak Vander Waal forces also exist between individual buckyballs.
7. Choose the most stable fullerene forms from the following options.
a) C72 and C76
b) C20 and C30
c) C60 and C70
d) C84 and C86
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Explanation: There are multiple members in the fullerene family. Fullerenes with carbon atoms less than 60 are referred to as lower fullerenes while those having more than 70 atoms are called higher fullerenes. The most stable out of all these are C60 and C70 fullerenes.
8. What makes substances containing buckyballs slippery?
a) Possess delocalized electrons
b) Presence of weak intermolecular forces
c) Have hollow structure
d) Show high tensile strength
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Explanation: There exists weak intermolecular force between each fullerene molecule. These forces can be easily overcome by providing little energy. Hence substances consisting of fullerene are soft and slippery.
9. Which of the following suits best for the description of a combinatorial topology?
a) Carbon atoms and the bonds them between ignoring their positions and distances
b) Carbon atoms and the bond them between considering their positions and distances
c) Carbon atoms and the bond them between considering their positions but ignoring their distances
d) Carbon atoms and the bond them between them ignoring their positions but considering their distances
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Explanation: A combinatorial topology is a branch of topology which studies topological properties of geometrical figures by means of their splitting into more elementary figures. Here, the carbon atoms and bonds between them are considered ignoring their positions and distances.
10. Which of the following correctly indicates the Euler’s polyhedron formula?
a) V+E+F=2
b) V+E-F=2
c) V+(E*F)=2
d) V-E+F=2
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Explanation: Euler’s polyhedron formula is given by V-E+F=2. Here, V represents the number of vertices or corners, E represents the number of edges, and F represents the number of faces of the polyhedron. This formula is however not applicable for polyhedra that have holes running through them, and is referred to as non simple polyhedra.
More MCQs on Fullerene:
- Fullerene MCQ (Set 2)
- Fullerene MCQ (Set 3)
- Fullerene MCQ (Set 4)
- Fullerene MCQ (Set 5)
- Fullerene MCQ (Set 6)
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