Nanotechnology Questions and Answers – Morphology of Nanoparticles

This set of Nanotechnology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Morphology of Nanoparticles”.

1. Which of the following is a character of nanotubes and nanowires?
a) High aspect ratio
b) Low aspect ratio
c) Both high and low aspect ratio
d) Neither high nor low aspect ratio
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nanoparticles can have both high and low aspect ratios. However, nanowires and nanotubes fall under the category of high aspect ratio materials. These have various shapes such as helices, zig-zag etc.

2. What are nanoparticles with both hydrophilic and hydrophobic nature known as?
a) Hypothetical particles
b) Pickering particles
c) Janus particles
d) Quasi particles
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Answer: c
Explanation: Janus particles are special types of nanoparticles having different distinct physical properties on the same surface. It may have one half hydrophilic while the other half hydrophobic. It may also have two surfaces of different colour.

3. What is the study of fine particles known as?
a) Catachectics
b) Micromeritics
c) Biomechanics
d) Vitrics
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Answer: b
Explanation: The study of fine particles is known as Micromeritics. The term was given by J.M.Dallavalle. The fundamental and derived properties of individual as well as collective particles can be studied under Micromeritics.

4. Which of the following is not a morphological character of nanoparticles?
a) Flatness
b) Sphericity
c) Composition
d) Aspect ratio
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Answer: c
Explanation: Nanoparticles can be classified on the basis of morphology, uniformity, agglomeration and dimensionality. Morphological characters include flatness, sphericity and aspect ratio.

5. Find out the application of 2D nanoparticles from the following fields.
a) Nanopore filters used for small particles separation and filtration
b) Thin films deposited under conditions that generate atomic – scale porosity
c) Comprise the circuitry of computer chips
d) Form the anti reflection coating on eyeglasses
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Answer: a
Explanation: 2D nanoparticles constitute the 2D nanostructured films that remain firmly attached to the surfaces of the substrate. They can also form nanopore filters that are used for separation and filtration.

6. A cube has a side length of about 20nm. Calculate its surface to volume ratio.
a) 3
b) 0.3
c) 0.6
d) 1.3
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Answer: b
Explanation: Given data: Side of the cube = a = 20nm.
Now, Volume of the cube of side 20nm is given by the formula = a3
⸫ V = 203
= 20 × 20 × 20
= 8000nm3.
Now, Surface area of the cube of side 20nm2 is given by the formula = 6a2
⸫ S = 6 × (20)2
= 6 × 20 × 20 = 2400nm2.
⸫ Surface area to volume ratio = 2400 : 8000 = 0.3

7. Morphology variation does not affect their biocompatibility.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Morphology variations can effectively control the functionality of nanomaterials. This in turn influences their biocompatibility. This happens since the product of surface transformation during the synthesis of a material is a reflection of it.

8. Identify a semi-solid nanoparticle from the following options.
a) Iron oxide
b) Gold
c) Colloids
d) Liposomes
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Answer: d
Explanation: Liposomes are semi-solid and soft nanoparticles. They are between a few nanometers to even 10 microns in size. These types of nanoparticles are currently used as delivery systems for vaccines.

9. Match the following.

i) 1D                  A) nano filters used for filtration
ii) 2D                 B) hard coatings on eyeglasses
iii) 3D                C) thin films deposited under conditions that generate colloids

a) i) – C; ii) – A; iii) – B
b) i) – A; ii) – B; iii) – C
c) i) – B; ii) – C; iii) – A
d) i) – B: ii) – A: iii) – C
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Answer: d
Explanation: 1D is one dimensional film that can be used as anti-reflection and hard coatings on eyeglasses. 2D nanomaterials include nanostructured films and nanopore filters. 3D nanoparticles include thin films that can generate colloids, atomic scale porosity.

10. Why do amorphous nanoparticles adopt spherical shape?
a) Intrinsic crystal habit
b) Removes undesirable proteins
c) Microstructural isotropy
d) Influence of environment
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Answer: c
Explanation: Amorphous particles usually adopt spherical shape or nano-spheres owing to their microstructural isotropy. They have high dissolution rates and supersaturation levels.

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