Engineering Hydrology Questions and Answers – Snowfall and its Measurement – Set 2

This set of Engineering Hydrology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Snowfall and its Measurement – Set 2”.

1. At what time snow gauging is measured daily?
a) 8:00 AM
b) 8:30 AM
c) 9:00 AM
d) 9:30 AM
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Answer: b
Explanation: Snow gauging is recorded at 8:30 AM every day. Snow gauging involves measurement of depth of snow in open level platform and also in shielded gauge vessel.

2. The open level platform is more suitable to measure the depth of snow in presence of strong winds.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The use of open level platform for measuring depth of snowfall is more suitable in the absence of strong winds. It is more suitable for measuring snowfall which is unaccompanied by rainfall.

3. The wooden stake used for measuring the depth of snow in open level platform is called ___________
a) Wooden staff
b) Wooden scale
c) Snow stake
d) Ice stake
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Answer: c
Explanation: A wooden stake is used to measure the depth of snow in open level platform. This wooden stake is graduated on all four sides. This wooden stake is known as the snow stake. The snow stake is used for taking stake readings. The snow stake is a permanent gauge.

4. What is the height of a snow stake?
a) 3 m
b) 4 m
c) 5 m
d) 6 m
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Answer: b
Explanation: The snow stake is used to measure the depth of snow in open level platform. It is embedded in ground up to 1m. The level of the snow stake at the top surface of the platform is zero. It can measure up to 3m from the top level of the platform. So, the total height of snow stake is 4 m.

5. What is the name of the movable stake used in open level platform?
a) Snow stake
b) Snow staff
c) Moving snow staff
d) Hand stake
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Answer: d
Explanation: Besides the permanent gauge, a movable gauge is also used. This movable gauge is called hand stake. The hand stake is used to measure the depth of snow on all four sides of the platform along with a stake reading at the central fixed gauge.

6. The maximum depth of snow that can be measured by a hand stake is _________
a) 2 m
b) 3 m
c) 4 m
d) 5 m
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Answer: b
Explanation: The hand stake is the movable gauge used to measure the depth of snow. The hand stake has a square cross section of 25 mm. It is like a pole and tapered at the bottom. It can measure accumulated snow up to a height of 3 m.

7. What is the formula for calculating the water equivalent of snowfall?
a) Snowfall depth / 10
b) Mean snowfall depth
c) Mean snowfall depth / 10
d) Snowfall depth * 10
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Answer: c
Explanation: The depth of snow is measured in five points. Stake readings are taken on all four sides of the open level platform with a hand stake. The stake reading at center of the platform is taken with a fixed gauge called snow stake. The arithmetic mean of these five stake readings is calculated and considered as the accumulated snowfall depth of the previous day. From this arithmetic mean of snowfall depth, the water equivalent of snowfall or equivalent rainfall depth is calculated as follows:
Water equivalent of snowfall = Mean snowfall depth/10

8. Based on which assumption is the water equivalent of snowfall calculated?
a) The density of accumulated snow is considered to be 0.1 for 24 hours
b) The arithmetic mean of accumulated snow depth should be based on fives values of snowfall depth
c) The density of accumulated snow is considered to be 0.1 for 48 hours
d) The density of accumulated snow is considered to be 0.2 for 24 hours
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Answer: a
Explanation: The water equivalent of snowfall is calculated by dividing the arithmetic mean of snowfall depth by 10. It is calculated based on the assumption that the density of accumulated snow is considered to be 0.1 for 24 hours. The water equivalent of snowfall is also known as equivalent rainfall.

9. What is the function of a shield in a shielded snow gauge?
a) Reducing wastage of snow from the platform
b) Preventing melting of snow
c) Increasing the depth of snow
d) Reduce the effect of strong winds
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the areas of strong winds, the snow may divert and not fall above the platform. So, minimum snow is obtained on the platform. So, a metallic shield is used in a shielded snow gauge to reduce the effect of strong winds.

10. Snow surveys are conducted along predecided representative routes known as ___________
a) Snow routes
b) Snow roads
c) Survey routes
d) Snow courses
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Answer: d
Explanation: Snow surveys are done weekly, monthly or annually to calculate the depth of total accumulated snow. Snow surveys are also done at the start of spring season to find out the availability of water in summer season. The snow surveys are conducted along predecided representative routes known as snow courses.

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