Engineering Hydrology Questions and Answers – Presentation of Rainfall Data

This set of Engineering Hydrology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Presentation of Rainfall Data”.

1. What are the coordinates of a mass curve?
a) Accumulated rainfall vs time
b) Rainfall intensity vs time
c) Weight vs time
d) Wind intensity vs time
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mass curve is a plot between accumulated rainfall and time. Mass curve helps to extract information about duration and magnitude of a storm.

2. The records of float type and weighing bucket type rain gauges represents which curve?
a) Hyetograph
b) Hydrograph
c) Mass curve
d) Sag curve
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Answer: c
Explanation: The records of recording rain gauges are plotted to form different curves. The records of float type and weighing bucket type rain gauges represent mass curve. Mass curve is a plot of accumulated rainfall against duration of rainfall.

3. The intensities of storm can be obtained from the slope of mass curve.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mass curve is used to plot accumulated rainfall against duration of rainfall. The intensity of rainfall is defined as the depth of rainfall in unit duration. So, the slope of mass curve gives the intensity of rainfall.

4. The mass curve of non-recording rain gauges are plotted by using the mass curve of adjacent recording rain gauge stations as guide.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: For non-recording rain gauges, mass curves are prepared by evaluating approximate beginning and end of rainfall. The mass curve of the adjacent recording rain gauge stations is also considered for guidance.

5. What are the coordinates of a hyetograph?
a) Rainfall intensity vs time
b) Accumulated rainfall vs time
c) Rainfall depth vs time
d) Discharge vs time
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hyetograph is a plot of rainfall intensity against time. Hyetograph is a very convenient way of representing the characteristics of a storm.

6. Hyetograph is derived from which curve?
a) Sag curve
b) Hydrograph
c) Mass curve
d) Summation curve
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Answer: c
Explanation: Hyetograph helps in representing the characteristics of rainfall. Hyetograph is derived from mass curve. Mass curve is a plot between accumulated rainfall and duration. Hyetograph is also used to predict extreme floods.

7. Which type of graphical representation does hyetograph have?
a) Line graph
b) Pie chart
c) Point graph
d) Bar graph
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Answer: d
Explanation: Hyetograph is derived from mass curve. Hyetograph is a bar chart obtained by plotting rainfall intensity against duration of rainfall. It is useful in development of design floods.

8. What does the area under a hyetograph represent?
a) Duration of rainfall
b) Rainfall intensity
c) Total rainfall received in a period
d) Area of the catchment
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Answer: c
Explanation: Hyetograph is used to predict extreme floods. The area under hyetograph represent the total precipitation received in the total duration. Duration of hyetograph is different depending upon the purpose of its utility.

9. What is the time interval used in the case of flood flow computations from Hyetograph?
a) 4 hours approximately
b) 5 hours approximately
c) 6 hours approximately
d) 8 hours approximately
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Answer: c
Explanation: The time intervals in a hyetograph are different based on the type of computations derived from the graph. In the case of urban drainage problems, small durations are used. For flood flow computations, approximately an interval of 6 hours is used for larger catchments.

10. What is point rainfall?
a) Rainfall in unit duration
b) Rainfall data of a station
c) Rainfall having unit depth
d) Rainfall with unit intensity
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Answer: b
Explanation: Point rainfall is referred to as the rainfall data of a station. The data can be listed daily, weekly, monthly, seasonally or annually for different periods as per required. Point rainfall is also known as station rainfall.

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