Engineering Hydrology Questions and Answers – Flood Control – Set 2

This set of Engineering Hydrology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Flood Control – Set 2”.

1. Which of the following is not true about levees?
a) Economical flood control
b) Run parallel to the course of river
c) Structural method of flood management
d) Stone or concrete structures
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Answer: d
Explanation: Levees or flood embankments are a structural method of flood control. They are earthen structures built on the banks along a river. They are one of the oldest and most economical methods of flood control works.

2. Flood walls are flood protection structures based on which of the following?
a) Levees
b) Flood ways
c) Storage reservoirs
d) Detention reservoirs
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Answer: a
Explanation: Flood walls are similar in function to levees but instead of earthen material, they are masonry structures. They are mostly preferred in cases where the land needed to be protected is important.

3. Which of the following is true with regards to levees?
a) Its failure causes less damage
b) They are very complex to design
c) Needs regular maintenance
d) They are very expensive
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Answer: c
Explanation: Since levees are made from natural earthen material, it requires regular observation and maintenance to uphold its suitability in flood protection. Contingency arrangements are also recommended to assist in the functionality of levees.

4. The top of levees have to be regularly raised for which of the following rivers?
a) Aggrading rivers
b) Scouring rivers
c) Rivers of varying width
d) Meandering rivers
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aggrading rivers are those in which the ground level of river bed constantly increases due to the deposition of sediments. For levees built on the banks of such rivers, the top of levees needs to be raised frequently to keep the flood level below at all times.

5. Failure of levee during a flood causes more loss than if the levee was not there.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: If levees are built along rivers, there is a feeling of safety and protection and it encourages people to setup near the rivers, who otherwise would not be drawn there. This may lead to huge loss of life and property in case the flood level exceeds the top of the levee.

6. Given is a cross section of a levee. Identify the missing feature.
cross section of a levee
a) Crest
b) Talus
c) Shutter
d) Free board
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Answer: d
Explanation: The height and slope of a levee is designed in such a way that the maximum flood level remains below the top at all times with a sufficient free board.

7. What is the basic principle of using floodways as flood control measures?
a) Store the flood water
b) Distribute the flood water
c) Block the flood water
d) Irrigation
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Answer: b
Explanation: Floodways are channels present alongside rivers or branching form them. During high levels of flood, the water is diverted and carried by theses floodways to a reservoir or another river not affected by the flood.

8. What is common between flood walls and flood ways?
a) Both are masonry structures
b) Both are man-made
c) Both are structural flood control methods
d) Both are very cheap
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Answer: c
Explanation: Flood walls and flood ways are both structural methods of flood management, which are used to protect lands from the harsh effects of flood. They may be economical depending on their applicability. Floodways may be natural or man-made.

9. Which of the following is the best method of channel improvement for flood protection?
a) Widening and deepening
b) Narrowing and deepening
c) Widening and shallowing
d) Narrowing and shallowing
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Answer: a
Explanation: Channel improvement methods include modifying the existing features of the channel in order to reduce the effect of flood. This is best possible by increasing the capacity of the channel, which implies increasing the cross-section dimensions, therefore by widening and deepening the channel.

10. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using channel improvement techniques for flood control?
a) The changes cannot be undone
b) Requires constant maintenance
c) Very expensive
d) Negligible effect on flood control
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Answer: b
Explanation: All the methods of channel improvement are short-term solutions to flood control and requires continuous maintenance and reworking of the channel to successfully be an effective method of flood control.

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