Engineering Hydrology Questions and Answers – Measurement of Precipitation

This set of Engineering Hydrology Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Measurement of Precipitation”.

1. The rain gauge must be surrounded by an open fenced area of at least _________
a) 5.5m*5.5m
b) 4.5m*4.5m
c) 6.5m*6.5m
d) 7.5m*7.5m
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Answer: a
Explanation: Rainfall is measured by the instrument known as rain gauge. The instrument should be surrounded by an open fencing area of not less than 5.5m*5.5m. No object should be nearer to the instrument than 30 m or twice the height of the obstruction.

2. Rain gauges are classified into recording and non-recording rain gauges.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Rain gauge is the instrument that is used to measure the depth of rainfall. Rain gauges are classified into two categories. The two categories are recording rain gauges and non-recording rain gauges. The non recording rain gauge measures the depth of rainfall at a certain duration. The recording rain gauge helps in measuring depth of rainfall and also helps in plotting different curves related to characteristics of rainfall.

3. Out of the following rain gauges, which rain gauge is of non-recording type?
a) Tipping bucket rain gauge
b) Weighing bucket rain gauge
c) Symon’s rain gauge
d) Natural Syphon rain gauge
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Answer: c
Explanation: Rain gauges are of two categories. One is recording type and the other is non-recording type. Symon’s rain gauge is a non-recording rain gauge. Tipping bucket type, weighing bucket type and natural Syphon type are examples of recording rain gauges.

4. India Meteorological Department has led a change which is an improvement over Symon’s rain gauge? State the change.
a) Use of fiberglass reinforced polyester rain gauges
b) Use of reinforced rain gauges
c) Use of copper rain gauges
d) Use of galvanized rain gauges
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Answer: a
Explanation: India Meteorological Department(IMD) has made a change over Symon’s rain gauge. It has led to the use of fiberglass reinforced polyester rain gauges. These rain gauges are available in different combinations of collector and bottle. The collector is in two sizes which are 100 and 200 sq.m area. The details of these type of rain gauges are in given in IS:5225 and IS:4986.

5. In Symon’s rain gauge, at what time is the rainfall measured every day?
a) 8:00 AM(IST)
b) 9:00 AM(IST)
c) 9:30 AM(IST)
d) 8:30 AM(IST)
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Answer: d
Explanation: In the case of Symon’s rain gauge, the rainfall is measured at a specific time every day to maintain uniformity. Every day at 8:30 AM(IST) the rainfall is measured and that is recorded as the value of rainfall for that day.

6. In Symon’s rain gauge, what is the diameter of the metal casing?
a) 124 mm
b) 125 mm
c) 126 mm
d) 127 mm
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Answer: d
Explanation: Symon’s rain gauge is a non-recording type rain gauge. It consists of a metal casing. The collecting bottle is placed inside the metal casing. Thus, the metal casing protects the glass bottle which is used to collect rainwater. The diameter of the metal casing is 127 mm.

7. In Symon’s rain gauge, what is the capacity of the glass bottle placed in the casing?
a) 50 mm
b) 75 mm
c) 100 mm
d) 300 mm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Symon’s rain gauge is used for measuring rainfall. It is of non-recording type. It consists of a metal casing that is set on a concrete foundation. A glass bottle having a capacity of 100 mm of rainfall is placed within the casing.

8. The details of the installation of non-recording rain gauges and measurement of rainfall are specified in which Indian Standard code?
a) IS:4986
b) IS:5225
c) IS:4567
d) IS:3245
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Answer: a
Explanation: Rain gauges are classified into two categories. The two categories are recording type and non-recording type rain gauge. The details of the installment of non-recording type rain gauges and measurement of rainfall are given in IS:4986.

9. What is the size of the tipping bucket rain gauge?
a) 40.5 cm
b) 30.5 cm
c) 35.5 cm
d) 45.5 cm
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tipping-bucket rain gauge is the type of recording rain gauge. The size of the tipping bucket rain gauge is 30.5 cm. The catch from the funnel falls into one pair of buckets. When one bucket is filled up with 0.25 mm of rainfall it tips and the other bucket is placed in position. The tipping activates an electrically driven pen which results in recording. The water from the buckets are collected in the storage can. The water in the storage can is measured at regular intervals.

10. The record of the tipping bucket rain gauge gives data about which measuring feature of rainfall?
a) Depth of rainfall
b) Intensity of rainfall
c) Duration of rainfall
d) Discharge of runoff
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tipping-bucket rain gauge is a type of recording rain gauge. In this rain gauge, there are two buckets that are used such that when one of two buckets are filled with 0.25 mm of rainfall immediately the other bucket is brought in position. The record of tipping-bucket gives data about the intensity of rainfall.

11. The weighing-bucket rain gauge data represents which curve?
a) Hyetograph
b) Hydrograph
c) Depth curve
d) Mass curve
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Answer: d
Explanation: Weighing-bucket rain gauge is of the recording type. In this instrument the catch from the funnel is emptied into a bucket. This bucket is mounted on the weighing scale. This instrument gives the plot of accumulated rainfall against Duration which is known as mass curve.

12. Which of the following is known as the float-type rain gauge?
a) Natural-Syphon rain gauge
b) Tipping-bucket rain gauge
c) Weighing-bucket rain gauge
d) Symon’s rain gauge
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Answer: a
Explanation: Natural-Syphon rain gauge is known as float-type rain gauge. It is a type of recording rain gauge. The rainfall is collected by a funnel-shape collector which is led into a float chamber. This causes the float chamber to rise. As the float rises, the pen attached to the float records the elevation of the float.

13. The details of natural-syphon rain gauge are given in which Indian Standard code?
a) IS:1893
b) IS:2303
c) IS:5235
d) IS:3465
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Answer: c
Explanation: Natural-syphon rain gauge has been adopted as the standard recording type rain gauge in India. The details of this rain gauge are given in IS:5235.

14. What are snow boards?
a) 30 cm side square boards used for collecting snow samples
b) 40 cm side square boards used for collecting snow samples
c) 50 cm side square boards used for collecting snow samples
d) 60 cm side square boards used for collecting snow samples
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Answer: b
Explanation: Snow boards are 40 cm side square boards used for collecting snow samples. The snow board is placed horizontally on the previous accumulation of snow. At the time of snowfall, the snow is cut off and collected from the board.

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