This set of Vegetables Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Genetic Engineering of Vegetable Crops”.
1. What is genetic engineering in agriculture?
a) Modification of the genome
b) Modification in modified control packaging
c) Modification in the pesticide composition
d) Modification in edible packaging
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Explanation: Genetic engineering is a type of modern biotechnology used to modify the genome or genetic material of living organisms. This method introduces specific novel traits into a plant or animal by direct manipulation of its genome. It increases the yield of the product.
2. How does genetic engineering affect crops?
a) Reduced need for pesticides
b) Reduced costs for food production
c) Increased crop yields
d) Increased crop yields, reduced costs for food production, reduced need for pesticides
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Explanation: Some benefits of genetic engineering in agriculture are increased crop yields, reduced costs for food production, reduced need for pesticides. It enhances the nutrient composition and food quality. It increases the resistance to pests and disease.
3. What percent of soya bean are genetically modified crops in USA?
a) 86%
b) 94%
c) 100%
d) 78%
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Explanation: Currently, up to 92% of U.S. corn is genetically engineered (GE). About 94% of soybeans and 94% of cotton are genetically engineered. It increases the yield of the crop. It also helps in pest resistance which increases the food safety of the product.
4. What is the other name for genetic engineering?
a) Recombinant DNA technology
b) Variant DNA technology
c) Controlled DNA technology
d) DNA technology
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Explanation: Genetic engineering is also called as recombinant DNA technology. It involves the group of techniques used to cut up and join together genetic material, especially DNA from different biological species. It introduces the resulting hybrid DNA into a new host in order to form new combinations of heritable genetic material.
5. Which will be the India’s first edible genetically modified crop?
a) DMH – 11
b) PDS-12
c) BHF-11
d) PIE- 12
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Explanation: If approved, DMH – 11 will be the first genetically modified food crop to be commercially cultivated in India. The DMH-11, a genetically engineered species of mustard, is one such marvel that has been engineered by a group of Indian scientists. The main aim is to increase the yield of the product.
6. What is meant by Bt brinjal?
a) Base Thuringiensis Brinjal
b) Bacillus Thuringiensis Brinjal
c) Bacilli Thuringiensis Brinjal
d) Bosillus Thuringiensis Brinjal
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Explanation: Bacillus Thuringiensis Brinjal is popularly known as Bt brinjal. Bt brinjal is a genetically modified strain created by India’s number one seeds company Mahyco in collaboration with American multinational Monsanto. It claims to improve yields and help the agriculture sector.
7. What is meant by protato?
a) Genetically modified potato
b) Genetically modified sapota
c) Genetically modified protein
d) Genetically modified tomato
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Explanation: The protato is the protein packed genetically modified (GM) potato. It contains 60 per cent more protein than a wild-type potato. It has increased levels of several amino acids. It has been incorporated by the AmA1 gene from the amaranth.
8. What was the first genetically modified crop?
a) Flavr Savr tomato
b) Protato
c) DMH – 11
d) Bt brinjal
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Explanation: Genetically modified (GM) crops were first introduced in the USA in 1994. The Flavr Savr tomato had been genetically modified to slow its ripening process, delaying softening and rotting. The farming of GM crops has massively increased since the mid-1990s.
9. Are genetically modified (GM) foods safe?
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: GM foods currently available on the international market have passed safety assessments. They are not likely to present risks for human health. In addition, no effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been approved.
10. What is the negative effect of genetically modified (GM) crops on the environment?
a) Production cost
b) Requirement of labor
c) Biodiversity loss
d) Pressure on farm lands
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Explanation: The use of some GM crops can have negative impacts. It is mainly on non-target organisms and on soil and water ecosystems. For example, the expansion of GM herbicide-tolerant corn and soy, which are twinned with herbicides, has destroyed much of the habitat of the monarch butterfly in North America.
11. Which of the following is inserted into a Bt genetically modified crops?
a) Bt toxin
b) Bt chrosomes
c) Bt cells
d) Bt mitochondria
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Explanation: To create a Bt crop variety, plant scientists select the gene for a particular Bt toxin. It is insert it into the cells of corn or cotton plant at the embryo stage. The resulting mature plant has the Bt gene in all its cells and expresses the insecticidal protein in its leaves.
12. Soybean in the U.S. was genetically modified to be glyphosate-tolerant.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: The genetic modification artificially alters the DNA structure of the food and claims to create better versions of a specific vegetable or fruit. Soybean in the U.S. was genetically modified to be glyphosate-tolerant. Since glyphosate is considered as a carcinogen.
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