Fruits Processing Questions and Answers – Harvesting

This set of Fruits Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Harvesting”.

1. What is the importance of harvesting?
a) Maximize crop yield
b) Minimize crop yield
c) Removes unwanted crops
d) Minimize crop yield and removes unwanted crops
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Answer: a
Explanation: The goal of good harvesting is to maximize crop yield and minimize any crop losses. It should also minimize the quality deterioration. Harvesting can be done manually, using hands or knifes and it can be done mechanically with the use of rippers, combine harvesters or other machines.

2. Which of the following method harvest only the mature panicles and straw above ground?
a) Reaping
b) Threshing
c) Cleaning
d) Hauling
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Answer: a
Explanation: Reaping is the process where the plant is harvested. it involves the cutting of mature panicles and straw above ground. It is done by following ways like using sickle, scythe. It also uses reaping machine.

3. What are the factors to consider in harvesting fruits?
a) Maturity stage
b) Maturity stage, method of harvesting
c) Method of harvesting, time of harvesting
d) Maturity stage, method of harvesting, time of harvesting
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Answer: d
Explanation: Post harvest factors influencing postharvest quality of fruits were maturity stage, method of harvesting, time of harvesting. It also depends on the precooking, sorting and grading, packaging processes. The storage, type of storage, temperature and relative humidity during storage plays an important role in fruit harvesting.

4. What is post-harvest management of fruits?
a) Inter-disciplinary science and techniques applied to agricultural commodities after harvest
b) Inter-disciplinary science and techniques applied to agricultural commodities before harvest
c) Inter-disciplinary science applied to agricultural commodities after harvest
d) Inter-disciplinary science applied to agricultural commodities before harvest
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Answer: a
Explanation: Post-harvest technology is a subject which consists of both science and techniques applied to agricultural produce after crop harvest. It supports in various fields like conservation, preservation, quality safety, processing techniques, packaging methods, storage, distribution, and finally marketing. It plays an role in food utilization.

5. What factors determine the quality of fresh fruit?
a) Chemical composition and physical characteristics
b) Chemical composition
c) Physical characteristics
d) Biological species
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Answer: a
Explanation: Quality of fresh fruits and vegetables is generally based on the chemical composition and physical characteristics. Visual appearance, texture, firmness, sensory, nutritional and food safety plays an important role in marketing the produce to the consumers.

6. Which of the following indicates the commencement of the harvest season?
a) It marks the end of the growing season
b) It marks the start of the growing season
c) It marks the end of the sprouting season
d) It marks the start of the sprouting season
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Answer: a
Explanation: The end of the growing season or cycle for a specific crop is marked by harvesting of the crop. It also signifies that the crop can be cleared from the farm and new crops are to be sown. The crops should be harvested, processed, packed and distributed.

7. Which of the following is used to determine the maturity of the fruits?
a) Maturity indices
b) Time of sprouting
c) Temperature of the plant
d) Temperature of the surroundings
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Answer: a
Explanation: Maturity indices are used to determine maturity. It predicts the harvest date and to assess quality of crop. Based upon a range of physical and chemical properties of the produce, they are harvested. The maturity indices should be simple to use and be non- destructive.

8. Which of the following morphological changes takes place in muskmelon?
a) Development of abscission layer
b) Development of waxy layer
c) Development of red layer
d) Development of green layer
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Answer: a
Explanation: The morphological change that takes place in muskmelon is the development of abscission layer. Development of a waxy layer on the epidermis takes place in plums, grapes and honey dew melons. These are some of the maturity indices that help in harvesting the fruits.

9. What is the sequence of physiological maturity in fruits?
a) Immature, mature, ripe, overripe
b) Immature, ripe, mature, overripe
c) Immature, ripe, overripe
d) Mature, ripe, overripe
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Answer: a
Explanation: Maturity during harvesting the fruit is an important criterion. It determines the storage life and quality of the fruit. Immature fruits are shriveled and ant mechanical damage makes them inferior quality. Overripe fruits can be soft and have off- flavor.

10. What is the minimum requirement for fruit harvesting?
a) Sanitary and hygienic conditions
b) Land value
c) Profit and loss
d) Scaling of the industry
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Answer: a
Explanation: Harvesting is one of the important operations that decide the quality as well as storage life of produce. It helps in preventing huge losses of fruits. Harvesting of fruits should be done at optimum stage of maturity harvesting of fruits and vegetables. During harvesting operation, a high standard of field hygiene should be maintained.

11. The harvesting operation includes identification and judging the maturity of fruits.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The harvesting operation includes identification and judging the maturity of fruits. It also helps in selection of mature fruits. Detaching or separating of the fruits from tree is also done. Finally collection of matured fruits is transported for further processing.

12. Harvesting by means of digging tools is a mechanical harvesting.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Manual Harvesting is defined as the harvesting done by one’s own hand. It is done in several ways like using ladder or bag picking method. It can also use poles, clippers method. Harvesting can also be done by means of cutting knives and digging tools.

13. What are the potential hazards in harvesting?
a) Inappropriate maturity at harvesting
b) Harvesting matured fruits
c) Condition of the farmer health
d) Condition of the market
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Answer: a
Explanation: The potential hazards in harvesting are the inappropriate maturity of the fruits at harvesting period. The harvesting of overripe fruits can cause the quality deterioration. Using of inappropriate harvesting techniques can lead to the damage of the product. Using of inappropriate storage conditions can lead to the microbial growth in the fruits.

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