Fruits Processing Questions and Answers – Preprocessing

This set of Fruits Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Preprocessing”.

1. Why are fruits washed after harvesting?
a) Decrease the field heat in fruits
b) Increase the field heat in fruits
c) Maintain field heat in fruits
d) Increases the field heat and then decrease in fruits
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Answer: a
Explanation: Washing is one of the important unit operations. It removes the dirt and dust from the surface of the fruit. It decreases the field heat from the fruits. The surface microbes are also removed. It can be done by soaking and spraying.

2. What are pre-processing treatments?
a) Cleaning
b) Sorting
c) Grading
d) Cleaning, sorting, grading
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pre-processing techniques are done to facilitate the main processing steps. It includes the cleaning and sorting of the fruits. Washing of the fruit by spraying or soaking is done to remove dirt. Grading is also done to assess the quality of the fruits.

3. Why is preprocessing treatment done?
a) To improve the quality of the product
b) To reduce the post-harvest losses
c) It is voluntary done for all processed fruits
d) To improve the quality of the product and reduce the post-harvest losses
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Answer: d
Explanation: The pre-processing techniques are done to improve the quality of the fruits. It also reduces the post-harvest of the produce. It includes the cleaning of the fruits, sorting according to their physical properties, washing and grading.

4. Dusting is the dry method of cleaning the fruits.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dusting is the one of the dry method for cleaning the fruits. It removes the surface dirt and soil. It removes the undesirable weight from the produce thus reducing the transportation cost. It also removes the surface pathogens from the produce.

5. Which of the following process removes the undesirable produce from the harvest?
a) Grading
b) Sorting
c) Cleaning
d) Hauling
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sorting is the process where the undesirable fruits are removed. It is mainly done to reduce the spread of infection or spoilage among the fruits. All the damaged, diseases infected and deformed fruits are removed.

6. Which of the following process separates according to shape and size?
a) Grading
b) Sorting
c) Cleaning
d) Hauling
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Answer: a
Explanation: Grading is the process where the fruits are categorized according to their physical parameters. Some of the parameters are size, color, shape, weight and maturity. It ensures the high quality is separated from the inferior.

7. What is pre-cooling process?
a) Remove field heat
b) Remove stem
c) Remove seeds
d) Maintain color
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pre-cooling is the cooling of the commodity immediately after harvest. It is done to its safe storage temperature, which aims at removal of field heat. Rate of cooling depends on Initial product temperature and rate of flow of cooling media around the commodity. Temperature difference between produce and cooling media should be important consideration.

8. What chemical is sprayed during fumigation in grapes?
a) Sulphur dioxide
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Nitrogen
d) Ammonia
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sulphur dioxide is a preservative commonly used in preserving the fruits. It is sprayed on grapes to prevent the microbial growth. It should be sprayed according to the prescribe levels. It is important to note that, excess spraying can cause the ill-effects in humans.

9. Which of the following process helps in preventing water losses?
a) Curing
b) Sorting
c) Cleaning
d) Hauling
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Answer: a
Explanation: Curing is technique where the commodity is left in the field itself in a heap under shade for few days. The produce is cured generally when they have lost 3 to 5% of their weight. It is done in a covered area with good ventilation. Curing It is an effective operation to reduce water loss.

10. What are the essential conditions in curing process?
a) Heat and ventilation
b) Heat and humidity
c) Ventilation and Humidity
d) Heat, ventilation and humidity
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Answer: d
Explanation: One of the pre-storage treatments of fruits and vegetables are curing. The artificial heat is blown through a duct. It should be done in well-ventilated and shaded place. Curing in shade improves color. The essential conditions during curing are heat, good ventilation and low humidity

11. What is vapor heat treatment?
a) Control infections of fruit flies in fruits
b) Removes the field heat
c) Increases the ripening process
d) Dehydrating techniques
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vapor heat treatment control infections of fruit flies in fruits. It consists of stacking the fruits in boxes in a room which is heated and humidified by injection of steam. The temperature and exposure time may be adjusted depending upon the stage at which the fly is to be killed

12. Which of the following fruit undergoes de-sapping process?
a) Mango
b) Grapes
c) Orange
d) Water melon
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Answer: a
Explanation: De-sapping is done in stone fruits like mango. It is generally carried out in processing area by skilled labors. The process involves holding the mango upside down during the cutting process od the fruit stalk. The latex drop should not fall on the fruit during this processing.

13. Fungicides are added during precooling process.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are different cooling methods followed for different commodities. Some fungicides may be mixed in water during hydro-cooling to reduce decay incidence. Weight loss during forced air cooling can be reduced by maintaining high relative humidity in the pre-cooling chamber.

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