Fruits Processing Questions and Answers – Fresh and Processed Fruits: Safety and Regulations

This set of Fruits Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fresh and Processed Fruits: Safety and Regulations”.

1. What is the highest grade for fresh fruit?
a) Good quality
b) Large size
c) Perfect shape
d) Perfect texture
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Answer: a
Explanation: The highest grade for fresh fruit means good quality and is the chief grade for most fruits and vegetables. The grades are based on the product’s color, shape, maturity, and freedom from defects. It should not have any dirt and free from microbes.

2. What is Grade A honey?
a) Good quality
b) Large quantity
c) Perfect color
d) Perfect flavor
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Answer: a
Explanation: Grade A is the highest quality of extracted honey. It is judged to have the best flavor and clarity. Grade A honey has to be super clear, defect-free honey and can only be done with heat and hyper filtration.

3. What does it mean to be food grade?
a) Refers to the materials used in equipment
b) Refers to the raw materials used in processing
c) Refers to the final product
d) Refers to the grading of the raw materials
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Answer: a
Explanation: The term food grade refers to the materials used in equipment. The food grade materials should be safe for consumption and should be non-toxic for both humans and environment. Food grade equipment and devices are important, because products are usually in direct contact with the devices manufacturing the food products.

4. What is the food safe plastics number?
a) Category 7
b) Category 4
c) Category 3
d) Category 6
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Answer: b
Explanation: The plastics in categories 2, 4 and 5 are generally considered safe. Plastics 1, 3, 6 and 7 should be used with varying to extreme caution, especially around food or drink. It is always a good practice to use food grade material instead of plastics.

5. How is grading of fruits and vegetables done?
a) Basis of physical properties
b) Basis of chemical properties
c) Basis of microbial properties
d) Basis of microbial and chemical properties
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Answer: a
Explanation: Grading of fruits and vegetables is generally done on the basis of physical characteristics. Some of the parameters are weight, size, color, shape, specific gravity and free from bruises. Generally high grade produce are exported.

6. Are these statements about the grading of fruit true?
Statement 1: Grading improves the marketing system.
Statement 2: Fruits are graded only on basis of color.
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, True
d) False, False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Grading of fruits is a unit operation. It improves, processing, packaging, and distribution. It improves the marketing system. Some of the factors that can be used as guide for the grading process are shape, size, weight, size and color.

7. Food safety is used as a scientific discipline describing handling.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Food safety is discipline which consists of processing, harvesting, handling and storage. The reference made to Codex food safety standards in the separate sections to handle fruits and vegetables that meet defined safety and quality standards. It is one of the important aspects for exporting the produce.

8. What is principle of post-harvest management?
a) Product quality maintenance
b) Expenditure
c) Competitiveness
d) Profits
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Answer: a
Explanation: The principle of post-harvest management is the product quality to reduce the losses. It should also generate value added product. It should always focus on generating market opportunities. It helps to have a healthy competition.

9. Which of the following are chemical hazards?
a) Pesticides
b) Pathogen spores
c) Glass
d) Bruises
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are many ways to prevent chemical hazards during fruit processing. The fruits are to be properly washed prior to use. The chemicals are kept away from cooking and preparation surfaces. All the chemicals are stored separately from food items.

10. What two factors determine the quality of fresh fruit?
a) Based on physical properties
b) Based on chemical properties
c) Based on microbial properties
d) Based on physical, chemical, microbial properties
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Answer: d
Explanation: Quality of fresh fruits and vegetables is generally based on the chemical composition or physical characteristics or a combination of these two factors. Attributes of attention to the consumers are visual appearance, texture, firmness, sensory, nutritional and food safety.

11. Which of the following are physical hazards?
a) Pesticides
b) Pathogen spores
c) Glass
d) Bruises
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Answer: c
Explanation: Physical hazards are the extraneous objects which can be found in food products. They can be either naturally present like stems in fruit or not a part of the food item like hair, plastic. The food processing has to implement a HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan.

12. Which of the following are biological hazards?
a) Pesticides
b) Pathogen spores
c) Glass
d) Bruises
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Answer: b
Explanation: The causes for biological hazards include bacteria, viruses, and parasites. Bacteria and viruses are responsible for most foodborne illnesses. Microbiological hazard occurs when food becomes contaminated by microorganisms found in the air, food, water, soil, animals and the human body.

13. Which of the following are physiological hazards?
a) Pesticides
b) Pathogen spores
c) Sprouting
d) Bruises
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Answer: c
Explanation: Physiological hazards include sprouting, rooting, senescence, and changes caused by transpiration and respiration. Chemical hazard include visible external contamination with pesticides and chemical products. It also consists of toxics and unpleasant flavors produced by pathogens.

14. Which of the following are mechanical hazards?
a) Pesticides
b) Pathogen spores
c) Glass
d) Bruises
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mechanical hazards include injures, cuts, bruises, grazes, drops, scrapings, shatters during harvesting. It can lead to enzymatic browning, thus degrading its quality. The mechanical hazards occur during harvesting and transportation of fruits.

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