Fruits Processing Questions and Answers – Biological Changes

This set of Fruits Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Biological Changes”.

1. Which of the following hormone is also known to delay fruit ripening in plants?
a) Gibberellins
b) Auxins
c) Abscisic acid
d) Cytokinins
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gibberellins are known to delay fruit ripening in the plants. It interferes with the chlorophyll degradation. It helps in the biosynthesis of carotenoids and anthocyanins. It delays de-greening of detached citrus fruits. Gibberellins promote the re-greening of valencia oranges.

2. Which of the following hormone helps in delaying senescence in plants?
a) Gibberellins
b) Auxins
c) Abscisic acid
d) Cytokinins
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Answer: d
Explanation: The cytokinins help in delaying senescence in plants. It is well known that cytokinins has also been obtained in delaying ripening processes of fruits especially those related to chloroplasts . it also promotes the de-greening. But, olives are exceptions where cytokinins promote the accumulation of anthocyanin in the fruit.

3. Which of the following hormone is the inhibitor of ripening in plants?
a) Gibberellins
b) Auxins
c) Abscisic acid
d) Cytokinins
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Answer: b
Explanation: Indole acetic acid is a auxin hormone. It is probably an endogenous hormonal inhibitor of ripening. It acts as an inhibitor of ripening and at the same time promotor of ethylene biosynthesis. Auxins such as 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxy propionic acid is known to improve anthocyanin coloration of apples along with other ripening processes. Whereas, 2, 4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid delays yellowing of lemons.

4. Which of the following hormone enhances ripening processes in plants?
a) Gibberellins
b) Auxins
c) Abscisic acid
d) Cytokinins
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Answer: c
Explanation: Abscisic acid (ABA) plays a significant role in fruit ripening. There is marked accumulation of ABA in fruit tissues during ripening. In climacteric fruits, the level of ABA is constant during maturation but rises rapidly during ripening and coincides with rise in ethylene production during ripening. In non-climacteric fruits, there is no rise in ethylene production during ripening but the ABA level increases.

5. Which of the following is the true about cytokinins?
a) Synthesized secondary in the meristematic region of the roots
b) Synthesized primarily in the meristematic region of the roots
c) Synthesized primarily in the meristematic region of the shoots
d) Synthesized primarily in the meristematic region of the leaves
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Answer: b
Explanation: Cytokinins are hormones that stimulate cell division. These hormones involved in controlling leaf senescence and the growth of lateral branches. It is synthesized primarily in the meristematic region of the roots. Cytokinins are also produced in developing embryos.

6. Abscisic acid promotes the growth of the plant
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Abscisic acid promotes dormancy. It helps in opening and closing of stomata. It is produced in response to stress. It inhibits the growth of the plants. This hormone boosts the ripening processes in plants.

7. Which of the following promotes delaying of leaf abscission?
a) Gibberellins
b) Auxins
c) Abscisic acid
d) Brassinosteroids
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Answer: d
Explanation: Brassinosteroids are plant steroid hormones. It has similar structure to animal steroid hormones. They have multiple developmental effects on plants. It helps in the promotion of cell elongation, cell division and xylem differentiation. It also helps in delaying of leaf abscission.

8. Which of the following is also called as phytohormones?
a) Growth regulators
b) Growth inhibitors
c) Microbial hormones
d) Growth steroids
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Answer: a
Explanation: Phytohormones are the organic substances. It is produced naturally by the plants. They are in low concentration. It helps in modifying the growth and development. It is also termed as growth hormones, growth promoting substances, and growth regulators.

9. What are exogenous hormones?
a) Natural hormones
b) Synthetic hormones
c) Postulated hormones
d) Steroids
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Answer: b
Explanation: On the Basis of Origin, the growth hormones are classified into three categories. Natural hormone is produced by some tissues in the plant. Synthetic hormone is produced artificially and similar to natural hormone in physiological activity. These are also called Exogenous hormones. Postulated hormone is also produced spontaneously in the plant body, but their structure and function is not discovered clearly.

10. What are endogenous hormones?
a) Natural hormones
b) Synthetic hormones
c) Postulated hormones
d) Steroids
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Answer: a
Explanation: The growth hormones are classified into three categories based on the origin of the hormone. Natural hormone is produced by some tissues in the plant. These are also called endogenous hormones. Synthetic hormones are artificially produced but works like natural hormone in physiological activity. Postulated hormones like florigen are produced spontaneously in the plant body.

11. Which of the following hormone counteracts gibberellins?
a) Ethylene
b) Auxins
c) Abscisic acid
d) Cytokinins
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gibberellins helps in delaying the fruit ripening in the plants. It affects with the chlorophyll degradation. Abscisic Acid counteracts gibberellins by suppressing bud growth and elongation. Abscisic acid is synthesized mainly in mature green leaves, fruits, and root caps

12. Which of the following hormone counteracts auxin?
a) Ethylene
b) Gibberellins
c) Abscisic acid
d) Cytokinins
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Answer: c
Explanation: Abscisic acid counteracts auxin by promoting senescence. Abscisic acid is essential for dormancy in seeds. It prevents the precocious germination called vivipary. It is important in the opening and closing of stomata.

13. Which of the following hormone is produced from fatty acids?
a) Ethylene
b) Gibberellins
c) Jasmonates
d) Cytokinins
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Answer: c
Explanation: Jasmonates are produced from the fatty acids. It promotes the production of defense proteins that are used to fend off invading organisms. It also plays a crucial role in seed germination. It plays an essential role in response to tissue wounding. They act on gene expression to slow down growth.

14. Which of the following hormone mimic strigolactone?
a) Gibberellins
b) Auxins
c) Abscisic acid
d) Karrikins
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Answer: d
Explanation: Karrikins are a group of plant growth regulators. It is found in the smoke of burning plant material. Karrikins help stimulate seed germination. It promotes the plant development. They mimic a signaling hormone known as strigolactone.

15. Which of the following plant has abundant triacontanol?
a) Rose
b) Chilly
c) Sunflower
d) Jasmine
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Answer: a
Explanation: Triacontanol is a fatty alcohol. It is also known as melissyl alcohol. It is found in plant cuticle waxes and in beeswax. Triacontanol is a growth stimulant for many plants, most notably roses. It rapidly increases the number of basal breaks.

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