Vegetables Processing Questions and Answers – Product and Food Plant Safety and HACCP

This set of Vegetables Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Product and Food Plant Safety and HACCP”.

1. What is HACCP?
a) Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
b) Hazard Analysis Control Critical Problem
c) Hazard Analysis Critical Control Problem
d) Hazard Analysis Control Critical Point
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Answer: a
Explanation: HACCP is defined as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point. It is a management system that is especially followed in food business. Food safety is chief objective. It also controls all different hazards like biological, chemical, and physical.

2. What is OPRP?
a) Prerequisite program that controls a significant hazard
b) Prerequisite program that controls all the hazards
c) Process to control significant hazard
d) Process to control the entire hazard
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Answer: a
Explanation: An OPRP is a prerequisite program. It controls a significant hazard. These are identified through risk assessments. It is a control measure but is not considered as a critical control point. These can access the severity of the problem.

3. Why is HACCP required?
a) Controls potential hazards in food production
b) Controls only microbial hazards in food production
c) Controls only physical hazards in food production
d) Controls only chemical hazards in food production
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Answer: a
Explanation: HACCP is significant aspect in food business. It controls all the potential hazards in food production line. It gives assurances that products are safe from contaminants to the consumers and build trust by the industry.

4. What are the advantages of HACCP?
a) Increase food safety standards
b) Decrease food safety standards
c) Consumer trust
d) Increase food safety standards and consumer trust
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Answer: d
Explanation: There are many benefits of HACCP. The HACCP helps in creating trust brand for the consumers. It prevents food safety hazard and therefore increases the food safety standards. It also ensures the industry is compliant with the law.

5. Is HACCP a voluntary process?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The use of HACCP is currently voluntary. But it is recommended to follow in food industries. During hazard analysis, the association regulates the strategy and controls the hazards by combining the prerequisite programs and the HACCP plan. They are seven principles involved in HACCP

6. What is the first HACCP step?
a) Conduct hazard analysis
b) Determine Critical Control Points
c) Establish verification procedures
d) Establish a monitoring system
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are seven steps in HACCP. The first step is to conduct hazard analysis. The whole food process is regulated to identify possible hazards that can affect the product. The hazards can be physical like hair, glass, chemical like pesticides and microbial like bacteria, yeast contaminates.

7. What is the third HACCP step?
a) Set critical limits
b) Determine Critical Control Points
c) Establish verification procedures
d) Establish a monitoring system
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Answer: a
Explanation: The third step in HACCP is to set critical limits. Once the hazards are identified, it is important to set maximum and minimum critical limits. If the product consists of the hazards which are in critical limit, then it is not necessarily being considered as food safety issues.

8. What is the fifth HACCP step?
a) Set critical limits
b) Determine Critical Control Points
c) Establish verification procedures
d) Establish corrective actions
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Answer: d
Explanation: The fifth step in HACCP is to establish corrective actions. Corrective actions are essential when the critical limits are out of control. Following the plan that is prescribed in corrective action plan is very important in preventing foodborne illness.

9. What is the second HACCP step?
a) Set critical limits
b) Determine Critical Control Points
c) Establish verification procedures
d) Establish corrective actions
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Answer: b
Explanation: The second step in HACCP is to determine critical control points. In this step, the hazards determined in the first step should be controlled. It can be change in temperature, pressure in the process. It can also be conducting quality tests at initial and final processing steps.

10. What is the final HACCP step?
a) Set critical limits
b) Establish record-keeping procedures
c) Establish verification procedures
d) Establish corrective actions
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Answer: d
Explanation: The final step in HACCP is to establish record-keeping procedures. Records for HACCP plans include the hazard analysis, the plan and supporting documents. The supporting documents can be temperature and pressure logs. These records are to be kept in an accessible location and can be viewed if necessary.

11. What is the sixth HACCP step?
a) Set critical limits
b) Establish record-keeping procedures
c) Establish verification procedures
d) Establish corrective actions
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Answer: c
Explanation: The final step in HACCP is to establish verification procedures. Verification procedures include employees perform actions, temperature log. Constant improvements can be made to the plan. It ensures all the steps involved in the HACCP plan are achieved.

12. What is the fourth HACCP step?
a) Establish a monitoring system
b) Establish record-keeping procedures
c) Establish verification procedures
d) Establish corrective actions
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Answer: a
Explanation: The final step in HACCP is to establish a monitoring system. The monitoring step guarantees that the critical limits are being met. For example, to check the temperature of the product then the monitoring system would be using a thermometer.

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