Fruits Processing Questions and Answers – Aseptic Processing and Packaging

This set of Fruits Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Aseptic Processing and Packaging”.

1. What are the requirements of aseptic area?
a) All equipment should be sterile
b) Packaging should be sterile
c) All the contact surface should be sterile
d) All equipment, packaging material and contact surfaces should be sterile
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Answer: d
Explanation: Equipment is aseptic if it can be cleaned and sterilized. It should prevent the entry of microorganisms from the external environment to food contact surfaces. In other words aseptic equipment, to the point of filling, must ensure that there is no addition of microorganisms to the food product.

2. What should be excluded from aseptic area?
a) Sinks and drains
b) Lights
c) Fan
d) Humans
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Answer: a
Explanation: Light sources should be installed in aseptic processing rooms. It should be fitted in the ceilings. The workflow should avoid the disturbance of the product flow pattern with in the room. Sinks and drains are not being present in the processing rooms. The aseptic processing is to be performed in clean room areas.

3. What is the full form of TCA?
a) Tetra classic aseptic
b) Tertiary class aseptic
c) Tetra convey aseptic
d) Tertiary convey aseptic
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Answer: a
Explanation: The full form of TCA is tetra classic aseptic. It is one of the most used packaging systems. It is easy to store. It is the most optimal pallet stacking ability. It has more efficient distribution. It is easy for the transportation of the products.

4. What is the full form of TBA?
a) Tetra brik aseptic
b) Tertiary bite aseptic
c) Tetra binary aseptic
d) Tertiary brik aseptic
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Answer: a
Explanation: The full form of TBA is Tetra Brik Aseptic. It is used for the longer shelf life of liquid foods. It is suitable for a wide range of juice products. The packaging material for TBA is composed of a laminate of paperboard, polyethylene, and aluminum foil.

5. What is the full form of TFA?
a) Tetra fino aseptic
b) Tertiary fino aseptic
c) Tetra finish aseptic
d) Tertiary finish aseptic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tetra fino aseptic provides product protection at the lowest cost. It is highly cost efficient production. They are easily converted between the different sizes. These aseptic carton packages are safe and hygienic production.

6. What is the full form of TWA?
a) Tetra wedge aseptic
b) Tertiary weld aseptic
c) Tetra weld aseptic
d) Tertiary wedge aseptic
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Answer: a
Explanation: The full form of TWA is tetra wedge aseptic. It is the microwaveable packaging material. It is easy to use. It is the most robust and easy-to-handle packaging material. These aseptic packets are nontoxic and produce under sterile production.

7. What chemical is used as disinfectant in aseptic processing?
a) Hydrogen peroxide
b) Bleaching agent
c) Soda
d) Calcium carbonate
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hydrogen peroxide is used as disinfectant in aseptic processing. It is generally 0.2% concentration is used. It is used as a sterilant at 15-30% on inanimate objects. It removes the surface microbes on the contact surfaces of the processing area.

8. Can gamma rays used for sterilization?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Cobalt 60 radiation is used in the gamma irradiation process to kill the microbes on different products which is kept in a specially designed cell. Cobalt 60 radiations are generated by the degeneration of the Cobalt 60 radioisotope. This process results in high energy photons. These high energy photons are used as sterilant.

9. Are these statements about the aseptic packaging true?
Statement 1: It consists of filling and sealing a sterilized packaging material with a sterilized product.
Statement 2: High density polyethylene is the most common plastic used for aseptic packaging.
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, True
d) False, False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Aseptic packaging consists of filling and sealing a sterilized packaging material with a sterilized product. Low-density polyethylene is the most common plastic used for aseptic packaging. Most packaging material used in aseptic packaging is made from plastics instead of metal or glass containers due to the relatively low cost of producing plastic material.

10. Who developed dole aseptic process?
a) McKinley Martin
b) Nicolas appert
c) Louis paster
d) George Grindrod
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Dole Aseptic Process was developed by McKinley Martin. This process involved four steps. The sterilization process involves heating and then immediate cooling of the product. The containers and lids are sterilized by using steam. The products are now filled aseptically into sterilized containers. Finally the sealing of lids is done at an atmosphere of saturated or super-heated steam.

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