This set of Fruits Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Fruit Microbiology”.
1. What is soft rot disease?
a) Decomposes cell wall structures
b) Decomposes protein structures
c) Decomposes lipids
d) Decomposes carbohydrates
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Explanation: Soft rot diseases are due to pathogens. These pathogens discharge enzymes which are capable of disintegrating cell wall structures. It destroys the texture of tissue of the plant and forms soft and watery.
2. Which of the following fruit is affected by grey mold?
a) Grapes
b) Apple
c) Banana
d) Custard apple
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Explanation: Botrytis cinerea is a necrotrophic microbe which affects numerous plant species. The most notable hosts are grapes. In viticulture, it is usually recognized as botrytis bunch rot. In horticulture, it is called as grey mold.
3. Which of the following fruit is affected by pink mold?
a) Grapes
b) Apple
c) Banana
d) Custard apple
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Explanation: Pink mold rot is a rot seen in apples. It is caused by a saprophytic fungus (Tricothecium roseum). Affected areas are tough and leathery and the interior of the lesion is brown and spongy. Lesions may cover much of the fruit surface.
4. Which of the following microbe causes green mold?
a) Erwinia carotovora
b) Xanthomonas campestris
c) Lactobcillus stolonifer
d) Penicillium digitatum
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Explanation: Penicillium species are amongst the most common fungi existing in the surroundings. These are generally deliberated as a non-pathogenic to the humans. Though in the immune-compromised hosts, they can be infectious pathogens and results in death.
5. Where is Clostridium botulinum most commonly found?
a) Improperly processed canned food
b) Improperly processed frozen food
c) Improperly processed boiled food
d) Improperly processed dried food
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Explanation: Clostridium botulinum is found in soil and untreated water throughout the world. It produces spores that survive in improperly preserved or canned food, where they produce a toxin. When eaten, even tiny amounts of this toxin can lead to severe poisoning.
6. Which of the following disease is caused by Aaspergillus niger?
a) Black mold rot
b) Pink mold rot
c) Green mold rot
d) Blue mold rot
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Explanation: Aspergillus niger is a fungus that belongs to genus Aspergillus. It causes a infection called black mold. It is seen in certain fruits and vegetables like grapes, apricots. It is a common toxin present in the food.
7. Which of the following is called as machinery mold?
a) Erwinia carotovora
b) Xanthomonas campestris
c) Geotrichum candidum
d) Penicillium digitatum
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Explanation: The contaminants on frozen fruits originate from the equipment. Geotrichum candidum has been termed machinery mold because it may accumulate on fruit-processing equipment. Some acid tolerant bacteria such as Acetobacter, Gluconobacter, and Zymomonas may also develop in the environment of fruit-processing lines.
8. Which of the following can grow in concentrated fruit drinks?
a) Osmophilic yeasts
b) Mesophilic yeasts
c) Anaerobic bacteria
d) Aerobic bacteria
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Explanation: In concentrated preserves and fruit drinks, only osmophilic yeasts can grow due to low water activity. The molds can also breed if there is availability of oxygen. The microbes which are most noteworthy in fruit juices are the lactic acid bacteria (LAB), yeasts, and molds.
9. Which of the following microbe indicate fecal contamination?
a) Escherichia coli
b) Xanthomonas campestris
c) Geotrichum candidum
d) Penicillium digitatum
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Explanation: Escherichia coli are a relatively rare contaminant of blanched vegetables and its presence may indicate fecal contamination. Coliforms and enterococci are common contaminants and may be present in large numbers. Their presence does not usually indicate fecal contamination. They are part of the processing line.
10. Geotrichum count is done to find the sanitation index for fruits.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Some of the recommended tests for fruits and vegetables are aerobic plate count, total coliform count. Escherichia coli test indicates the fecal contamination. Yeast and molds are also tested on fruits. Geotrichum count is done to find the sanitation index for fruits.
11. Fruits are generally too acidic for growth of the Salmonella and Shigella.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Fruits are generally too acidic for growth of the more common foodborne pathogens such as Salmonella and Shigella especially in citrus juices. Listeria monocytogenes can survive well on both chopped and whole fruits. Toxigenic molds are also a problem since they can produce mycotoxins.
12. What is patulin?
a) Toxin present in mouldy grapes
b) Toxin present in mouldy apples
c) Toxin present in mouldy cashew nuts
d) Toxin present in mouldy watermelon
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Explanation: Patulin is a toxin produced by a number of different moulds such as Penicillium and Aspergillus. It can be found in damaged or mouldy fruits, particularly apples. If contaminated apples are used to make juices, high levels of patulin are likely to be carried through to the final product.
Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Fruits Processing.
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