Fruits Processing Questions and Answers – Technical Methods of Reducing Deterioration

This set of Fruits Processing Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Technical Methods of Reducing Deterioration”.

1. Which of the following is not appropriate post-harvest handling?
a) Loss of market opportunities
b) Product quality maintenance
c) Generate local market
d) Generate value added product
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Answer: a
Explanation: The following are some of the inappropriate post-harvest handling. They are loss of market opportunities. The product is degraded mainly due to physical, biological losses. It leads to high costs and low profits. There is no or little competiveness in the market.

2. What is the key process during the post-harvest- life?
a) Respiration
b) Water activity
c) Moisture control
d) Microbes invasion
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Answer: a
Explanation: The key processes during the postharvest life are respiration, transpiration, ethylene production and maturity process. Respiration depends on internal factors like the size of the product, stage of development. It depends on external factors like temperature and mechanical damage.

3. Roots respire more than leaves.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The leaves respire more than fruits. Roots respires the least compared to fruits and leaves. In fruits the respiration depends upon the classification as climatic fruits and non-climatic fruits. The size of leaf influences on the respiration rate.

4. Which of the following is an example for high respiration rate?
a) Sugar beet
b) Cabbage
c) Avocado
d) Broccoli
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sugar beet has low respiration rate. Cabbage has moderate respiration rate. Avocados are having high respiration rate. Broccoli has very high respiration rate. The high respiration rate in fruits and vegetables ranges from 20-40mg.

5. Which of the following is an example for low respiration rate?
a) Garlic
b) Carrot
c) Cauliflower
d) Spinach
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Answer: a
Explanation: Garlic has low respiration rate. Carrot has moderate respiration rate. Cauliflowers are having high respiration rate. Spinach has very high respiration rate. The low respiration rate in fruits and vegetables ranges from 5-10 mg.

6. Which of the following is an example for moderate respiration rate?
a) Onion
b) Cucumber
c) Lettuce
d) Parsley
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Answer: b
Explanation: Onion has low respiration rate. Cucumber has moderate respiration rate. Lettuce are having high respiration rate. Parsley has very high respiration rate. The moderate respiration rate in fruits and vegetables ranges from 10-20 mg.

7. Which of the following is an example for very high respiration rate?
a) Citrus
b) Mango
c) Strawberry
d) Sweet corn
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Answer: d
Explanation: Citrus has low respiration rate. Mango has moderate respiration rate. Strawberries are having high respiration rate. Sweet corn has very high respiration rate. The very high respiration rate in fruits and vegetables ranges from 40-60 mg.

8. Which of the following are the internal factors that influences the transpiration?
a) Species
b) Temperature
c) Relative humidity
d) Air movement
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Answer: a
Explanation: The transpiration rate depends on internal and external factors. The internal factors that influence transpiration are species and variety. It also depends on the type of tissues. The integrity and sanitary of the product also plays a crucial role in transpiration.

9. Which of the following are the external factors that influence the transpiration?
a) Species
b) Temperature
c) Type of tissues
d) Sanitary of the product
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Answer: b
Explanation: The external factor that influences transpiration is temperature. It also depends on the relative humidity. Air movement also plays an important role in transpiration. The physical barriers to avoid air contact with the product reduce the transpiration.

10. Climatic fruits produce very high quantities of ethylene.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Climacteric fruits are sensitive to ethylene. They produce larger quantities of ethylene in association with their ripening. No climacteric fruits produce very small quantities of ethylene. Leafy vegetables are highly sensitive to ethylene.

11. Which of the following statements about transpiration are correct?
Statement 1: Low temperature increases the transpiration rate.
Statement 2: Transpiration leads to water and vapor loss.
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, True
d) False, False
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Loss of water as vapor from the exposed area to the air by stomas. It depends on species and variety and type of tissue. It also depends on the integrity and sanitary product condition. The high temperature results in the increases of the transpiration rate.

12. Which of the following statements about mechanical damage in fruits are correct?
Statement 1: Temperature does not affect the mechanical damage.
Statement 2: Leads to compromise the natural barrier.
a) True, False
b) True, True
c) False, True
d) False, False
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Answer: c
Explanation: The mechanical damage and sanitary condition plays an important role in quality of the product. The temperature affects the degree of response and severity of mechanical damage. Compromise of natural barriers can lead to increasing water loses and pathogenic infections. Therefore the fruits are handled carefully throughout the processing section, transporting and delivery.

13. Which of the following is an example for low perishability rate?
a) Garlic
b) Avocado
c) Cauliflower
d) Lemon
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Answer: a
Explanation: Garlic has low perishability rate. Avocado has high perishability rate. Cauliflower has very high perishability rate. Lemon has moderate perishability rate. The potential life of low perishability rate products ranges from 8-16 weeks.

14. Which of the following is an example for high perishability rate?
a) Onion
b) Potato
c) Tomato
d) Broccoli
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Answer: c
Explanation: Onion has low perishability rate. Potato has moderate perishability rate. Tomato are having high perishability rate. Broccoli has very high perishability rate. The high perishability rate in fruits and vegetables ranges from 2-4 weeks.

15. Which of the following is an example for moderate perishability rate?
a) Pear
b) Watermelon
c) Pineapple
d) Strawberry
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pear has low perishability rate. Water melon has moderate perishability rate. Pineapple are having high perishability rate. Strawberry has very high perishability rate. The moderate perishability rate in fruits and vegetables ranges from 4-8 weeks.

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