Engineering Chemistry Questions and Answers – Solid Fuels – 1

This set of Engineering Chemistry Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Solid Fuels – 1”.

1. Which of the following fuel is formed from industrial waste?
a) Lignite
b) Briquetted fuel
c) Spent tan
d) Rice husk
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Answer: c
Explanation: Spent tan is a nuclear fuel that has been irradiated in a nuclear reactor. Rice husk is obtained from animal waste and briquetted fuel is compressed block of coal dust.

2. Which of the following industrial waste gas is used in creating jet fuel?
a) Nitrogen di oxide
b) Carbon monoxide
c) Sulphur di oxide
d) Hydrogen di sulphide
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Answer: b
Explanation: Carbon monoxide is fermented through gas fermentation which forms alcohols and then these alcohols formed are converted into jet fuel by the process of dehydration and hydrogenation.

3. Which of the following is a renewable energy resource?
a) Coal
b) Cow dunk
c) Charcoal
d) Wood
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Answer: d
Explanation: Wood is obtained from trees and trees can be replanted easily, so the are renewable form of energy. Examples of wood-pine, cedar etc.

4. From which alcohol does softwood lignin is derived?
a) Coniferyl alcohol
b) Sinapyl alcohol
c) Ethyl alcohol
d) 4, 3 tri butyl alcohol
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Answer: a
Explanation: Coniferyl alcohol is a phytochemical which is used as an intermediate in biosynthesis of eugenol. Sinapyl and Coniferyl alcohol can also be used in deriving hardwood lignin.

5. Which of the following fuel is preferred for space heating?
a) Coal tar
b) Diesel
c) Hydrogen gas fuel
d) Wood
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Answer: d
Explanation: Wood has high flame emissivity (ratio of the energy radiated from a materials surface to the energy radiated from black body at same temperature and wavelength) due to which it is used in space heating.

6. By which process does the wood charcoal is obtained?
a) Destructive distillation
b) Steam distillation
c) Vacuum distillation
d) Simple distillation
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Answer: a
Explanation: In destructive distillation the decomposition of the feedstock of wood is done by heating at high temperature. The wood charcoal so obtained is of good quality.

7. Which of the following does require wood charcoal for its production?
a) Steel alloys
b) Activated carbon
c) Alloys of tin
d) Plaster of Paris
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Answer: b
Explanation: Activated carbon finds extensive applications for decolourisation, adsorption of gases and vapours and recovery of solvents from gases and air.

8. Which type of coal is generated by the action of fungi and bacteria?
a) Peat
b) Bituminous
c) Lignite
d) Anthracite
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is considered as the first stage of conversion of vegetable debris into coal under water logged conditions by the action of fungi and bacteria. Peat is generally found in high altitude.

9. Which of the following country consist of the largest peat deposit?
a) India
b) Canada
c) USA
d) Russia
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Answer: d
Explanation: Russia contains 42% of world’s peat deposits. Ireland also have a large peat content around 16.2 %.

10. Which of the following content does upland type of peat consist?
a) Leaves
b) Twigs
c) Decomposed heaths and mosses
d) Sedges and grasses
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Answer: c
Explanation: Upland peat is at the top of the peat which only consists of dead material which are decomposed heaths and mosses.

11. What happens when we carbonise peat?
a) Charcoal is produced
b) Coke is produced
c) Peat is converted into lignite
d) Peat is converted into bituminous
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Answer: b
Explanation: Under proper conditions of temperature and pressure if we carbonise peat then coke and gas is produced. But at low temperatures chars, oils and light spirit are formed.

12. For what purpose does the dried peat is used?
a) Thermal insulation
b) Liquid purification
c) Destructive distillation
d) For production of calcium carbide
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thermal insulation is the reduction of heat transfer between objects in the range of radiative influence. Dried peat is also used as fuel for steam raising and gas purification.

13. How much moisture content is present in lignite?
a) 60-75%
b) 10-25%
c) 35-50%
d) 75-100%
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Answer: c
Explanation: Lignite moisture can be brought down to a level of 10-15%. Peat can contains 90% moisture in it.

14. From which of the mining technique lignite can be extracted?
a) Open cast mining
b) High wall mining
c) Drift mining
d) Slope mining
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Answer: a
Explanation: Open cast mining is used when deposits of commercially used minerals are near the surface of the earth. It is a type of surface process.

15. Which of the following coal have highest volatile matter?
a) Peat
b) Lignite
c) Bituminous
d) Anthracite
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Answer: b
Explanation: Lignite burns with long smoky flame which states that it contains high volatile matter. Lignite absorbs oxygen readily on exposure to air.

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